
Course catalogue

Course code: STQ-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7900,-

Objective: The aim of the training is that those who are given training are given the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about fall protection and the correct use of rescue equipment, rescue of free-hanging persons, rescue of personnel over open sea, tank, stretcher transport, descent and treatment of personnel after fall accident.

The training is adapted for personnel who are part of fall protection / rescue teams on board an installation, but also for personnel who want a basic understanding of a rescue operation, evacuation equipment after a fall accident when using fall protection / rescue equipment.

The course runs over 3 days (24 hours)

Repetition 2 every year in accordance with NOG 113 and SFS.



- Introduction
- Regulations, guidelines
- Best practice
- Risk assessment
- Fall protection equipment
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Knowledge of different equipment and methods
- The equipment's limitations and possibilities
- Requirements for maintenance, storage and control
- Consequences of falls

Practical and theoretical review of rescue exercises

- Planning and risk assessment of rescue
- Basic first aid
- Rescue operation w / fresh air equipment
- Rescue of a hanging person
- Rescue from tanks / cramped spaces
- Rescue over open sea
- Descent / hoisting of person
- Stabilization of person
- Knowledge of hanging trauma

Course code: STQ-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3490,-

Objective: The aim of the training is that theoretical and practical knowledge about fall protection and the correct use of rescue equipment, rescue of free-hanging persons, rescue of personnel over open sea, tank, stretcher transport, descent and treatment of personnel after fall accident is refreshed and repeated.

The training is adapted for personnel who are part of fall protection / rescue teams on board an installation. Participants must gain expertise in risk assessment, rescue (equipment and methods) and first aid.

Covers repetition requirements every 2nd year in accordance with NOG 113 and SFS.


Review of accidents and incidents
The rescue service
Routines when working at height
Risk assessment
Management, site of injury
Stress and stress management
Hanging trauma, CPR
Rescue drills


Course code: STQ-015
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours (2 days)
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7990,-


Målsetting med opplæring er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelig kunnskap om metoder for å lede og veilede løfteoperasjoner slik at de blir forskriftmessig utført.

Opplæringen gir også kunnskap om farer forbundet med løfteoperasjoner samt bruk av risikokartlegging.

Kurset gir deltakere kunnskap til å kunne utøve overordnet operasjonell ledelse av løfteoperasjoner. Med det menes å kunne planlegge, risikokartlegge og evaluere, samt forebygge ulykker. Videre vil deltaker også tilegne seg kunnskaper om å gjøre rede for materialhåndteringsplan, oppbevaring og bruk av utstyr.

Målsetting med opplæring er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelig kunnskap om metoder for å lede og veilede løfteoperasjoner slik at de blir forskriftmessig utført.


• Krav og ansvar til rollen operasjonelt ansvarlig

• Lover, forskrifter, standarder og retningslinjer som gjelder vedr. bruk av løfteutstyr

• Overordnet operasjonell ledelse av løfteoperasjoner

• Helhetlig planlegging av løfteoperasjoner

• Risikokartlegging

• Identifisering av og etablering av barrierer. Gjennomføring og evaluering av en løfteoperasjon

• Informasjonsutveksling

• Krav for oppbevaring av løst løfteutstyr

• Krav for ulike typer løfteutstyr

• Krav til fadder, praksis og sensor

• Avsluttende prøve

Course code: EXT-012
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 11200,-

This course is made for personell envolved in design, planning, projecting, installation and maintenance on electrical installations and equipment offshore. 

The purpose of the standard is to minimize the hazards to people and equipment, whilst optimizing dependability.

Objective: The purpose of the standard is to minimize the hazards to people and equipment, whilst optimizing dependability.


- An easy to understand overview and explanation of the committees/regulations/standards and how they are intertwined. 

- Presentation of the regulations and norms: PTIL 5 HMS, Nek 410 (IEC 60092), Nek 420 (IEC 60079), ATEX directives including standards and the Norsok series. 

- The structure and history of the IEC 61892 series, and the scope and application. 

- By using a fictive, illustrated installation, we will focus on the practical elements covered in the following standards: 

o IEC 61892-1 - General requirements and conditions 

o IEC 61892-2 - System Design 

o IEC 61892-3 – Equipment 

o IEC 61892-4 – Cables 

o IEC 61892-6 – Installation 


o IEC 61892-7 – Hazardous areas


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: GWO-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3950,-

Basic first aid for the wind industry.

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.

The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

 - Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "First Aid" must be maintained in accordance with. guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.


Norwegian only

Course code: STQ-002
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 5990,-

Objective: The purpose of the course is to provide forklift drivers with a good theoretical basic training in the safe use of forklifts, so that accidents in connection with forklift driving are avoided.

Module 1.1 - Basic theoretical module
Module 2.2 -Forklift theory
Module 3.2 - Basic practice forklift.

The course is primarily aimed at future users of forklifts. But anyone who is involved with cargo handling and forklifts in risk analysis and work management can also benefit from the course.

The course is conducted with Norwegian-language teachers and teaching materials in accordance with legislation and regulations, as well as recognized curricula for module-based training.

The forklift driver training consists of four modules:

- Module 1.1 working environment, responsibilities and consequences. *
- Module 2.2 G4 bridge and overhead crane
- Module 3.2 Basic practical training forklift 
- Module 4.2 Practical driving training forklift
- Practical Final test in each forklift type T1-T4

* Module 1.1 is common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, let us know.

Module 4.2 can be completed in a company using a sponsorship arrangement. If you do not have the opportunity to do so, you can participate in one of STQ's practice courses.


- Safety training, laws, regulations
- Forklift types
- Electric forklift - construction
- Stability
- Daily inspection and maintenance
- Material and goods handling
- Proper use of the forklift
- The theory course ends with a theoretical exam

Course code: STQ-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7300,-

Objective: The training is intended to provide personnel with good theoretical and practical basic training in the use and maintenance of steel ropes.

The course provides a thorough introduction to knowledge about steel ropes, the correct use / choice of steel ropes and what requirements are set for those who use and control steel ropes.

Regulations on the performance of work, use of work equipment and associated technical requirements (regulations on the performance of work) §10-1. Requirement for documented safety training for work equipment that requires special care during use 

When an employer after a risk assessment finds that the work equipment requires special care during use, only employees who have documented safety training according to §10-2 §10-2 can be used. Requirements for documented safety training when using work equipment

Anyone who is to use work equipment as mentioned in §10-1 and §10-3, must have practical and theoretical training that provides knowledge of construction, operation, use properties and area of use, as well as maintenance and control.


- Basic theory of steel ropes
- Construction
- Properties
- End parties
- Cast blocks / Wire discs
- The right choice of wire rope
- Proper use of wire ropes
- Proper winding and running in of steel ropes
- Maintenance of steel ropes
- Lubrication of steel ropes
- Damage to steel ropes
- Disposal rules
- Checking of wire ropes in accordance with standard ISO-4309
- Exam

Course code: EXT-009
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6000,-

This is a course for electrical installations in potentially explosive areas.

Our goal is to make sure that employees are motivated to work safely and securely.   


• General principles for explosion protection

• Area classification and zone division

• Gas groups and the connection between area and equipment

• Temperature classes and the connection between area and equipment

• The general principles for type of protection and labeling



• NEK 420

• IEC / NEK EN 60079-10-1

• IEC / NEK EN 60079-14


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: GWO-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 2250,-

Basic Fire Awareness for the wind industry.

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.

The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "Fire Awareness" must be maintained in accordance with. guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.

Norwegian only

Course code: EXT-010
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6000,-

This is a course for electrical installations in potentially explosive areas.

Objective: Our goal is to make sure that employees are motivated to work safely and securely.



• General principles of explosion protection 

• Site classification and zone section 

• Gas groups and the connection between site and equipment 

• Temperature classes and the connection between the site and equipment 

• General principles for the type of protection and tagging 

• Inspection and maintenance in explosive environment 

• How maintenance work is carried out in explosive environment

• What the participant can do itself, and what needs to be submitted to the authorized repair shop



• NEK 420

• IEC / NEK EN 60079-10-1

• IEC / NEK EN 60079-14

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: STQ-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 5990,-

Objective: To give the person who is to work with a traverse crane knowledge about safe use, daily control and maintenance as well as competence to avoid accidents and incidents.

The authorities set requirements for basic safety certification of persons who are to operate bridge and overhead cranes. The requirements include both theoretical and practical training

G4 Bridge and Traverse Crane Basic course consists of modules 2.7 and 3.7. To complete the course, you must take and pass a theoretical exam.

Proper use of overhead cranes is of great importance for the safety of crane operators and other personnel who participate in lifting operations. Incorrect assessments can have major consequences and lead to serious injuries to the crane driver, other personnel as well as equipment and surroundings. Positive attitudes towards safety are therefore important during training.

The crane driver training for G4 consists of five modules:

- Module 1.1 working environment, responsibilities and consequences. *
- Module 2.3 G11 Lifting gear (strap and sling).
- Module 2.7 G4 bridge and overhead crane
- Module 3.7 Basic practical training G4
- Module 4.7 Practical driving training G4
- Practical Final test G4

* Module 1.1 is common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can not document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, this must be taken again.

Module 4.7 can be completed in a company using a sponsorship arrangement. If you do not have the opportunity to do so, you can participate in one of STQ's practice courses.


- Introduction with requirements for the driver
- Applications for overhead cranes
- Accidents with bridge and overhead cranes
- Construction of different types
- Electrical system on bridge and traverse cranes
- Safety switches
- Steel rope / block
- Certification / documentation
- Inspection and maintenance
- Main components
- Checkpoints
- Overload safety equipment
- Practical use of lifting equipment
- Driving technique

Course code: KOL-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 28 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7400,-

Hensikten med opplæringen er å gi truckførere allsidig praktisk opplæring og øvelse i sikker bruk av truck, slik at ulykker i forbindelse med bruken unngås. Opplæringen skal gi fører så gode kjøreferdigheter at vedkommende selvstendig på en sikker måte skal kunne gjennomføre oppdrag med truck.

Truckfører må imidlertid gjennomføre typeopplæring på den trucken som til enhver tid benyttes i tillegg til sertifisert sikkerhetsopplæring. Opplæringen avsluttes med en praktisk prøve som innbefatter kontroll og bruk av aktuelle trucker.

Bestått praktisk prøve på aktuelle trucker vil være grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis for fører av truck

Modul 1.1 (8 timer) Arbeidsmiljø, ansvar og konsekvenser

Modul 2.2 (14 timer) Truck 

Modul 3.2 (6 timer) Praktisk bruk

This course is only available in Norwegian.

G8: Lastebilkran - Modul 2.8 og 3.8

Course code: KOL-017
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 28 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: Not set

The course is only available in Norwegian.

Etter å ha gjennomgått og bestått modulene 1.1 (8 timer) og 2.3 (16 timer), skal eleven gjennomføre modul 2.8 (20 timer) og 3.8 (8 timer). Dette skal gi førerne en god generell grunnopplæring i sikker bruk og praktisk forståelse for prinsippene for traverskraner.



- Konstruksjon

- Oppbygging

- Betjening

- Bruksegenskaper

- Bruksområder

- Sikkerhetsutstyr

- Viktige kontrollpunkter

- Vedlikehold


Etter gjennomført kurs må deltageren gjennomføre 40 timer kjøretrening med kran, med fadder. Det avlegges da en praktisk kjøreprøve som vil gi grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis.

Course code: STQ-016
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours (1 day)
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3990,-


Opplæringen gir deltaker en generell forståelse for oppbygging, innhold og bidra til et akseptert sikkerhetsnivå for personell, miljø og materielle verdier i planlegging og utførelse av løfteoperasjoner. Fokus på ansvar og holdninger i utførelsen av løfteoperasjoner.

Målsettingen med kurset er å gi operatører en god teoretisk og praktisk grunnopplæring i NORSOK standard R-003 - N2017.


Innhold: • Introduksjon

• Normative og informative referanser

• Termer, definisjoner og forkortelser

• Sikker bruk av løfteutstyr

• Tilleggskrav ved løfting av personell

• Tilleggskrav for ulike løfteinnretninger

• Tilleggskrav for ulike løfteredskap

• Faste festepunkter og midlertidig oppstilte løfteinnretninger

• Roller og ansvar

• Krav til opplæring

• Krav til lokale prosedyrer

• Logistikkplanlegging

• Dokumentasjon og merking

• Håndsignaler

• Vedlikehold

• Sakkyndig virksomhet

• Bruk av risikokartlegging

• Samløft

• Sjekkliste for løfteoperasjoner under marginale værforhold

• Avsluttende prøve

Course code: STQ-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 5490,-

Objective: The purpose of the training is to provide crane operators, banksman / signalers with good general basic training in the safe use of lifting equipment, so that accidents and incidents in connection with use are avoided.

The authorities set requirements for basic safety certification of persons who are to drive forklifts, mass transfer machines and cranes. The requirements include both theoretical and practical training. To complete the common theory, one must take and pass a theoretical exam.

The G11 Lifting equipment Module 2.3 course gives you who will work with lifting equipment knowledge about safety, daily control and maintenance as well as disposal rules for various lifting equipment. We want to give you a conscious attitude to the dangers that can arise and how to avoid them. Our G11 course is led by instructors with great competence and practical experience from the use of lifting equipment.

Module 1.1 Working environment, responsibilities and consequences are common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, you can start right on module 2.3.

Contents Module 1.1

- Laws and regulations
- Working environment, responsibilities and consequences
- Environmental
- Safety regulations
- Dangerous goods, marking and handling

Contents Module 2.3

- Laws and regulations
- Work equipment and accessories
- Construction and operation
- Lifting gear
- Control and inspection
- Cargo handling
- Work environment
- Dangerous cargo
- Final theoretical test

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