
Course catalogue

Course code: STQ-008
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 23490,-

Objective: The aim of the training is that those who are given training receive a repetition of acquired competence in theoretical and practical understanding of safe work operations / emergency operations with offshore cranes so that accidents and incidents can be avoided.

The aim of the training is that those who are given training receive a repetition of acquired competence in theoretical and practical understanding of safe work operations / emergency operations with offshore cranes so that accidents and incidents can be avoided.

The training is according to training plan module P-4.1.1 covers repetition requirements in NORSOK R-003.


3 years according to NORSOK
2 years according to OPITO

Holders of a G5 certificate must meet the requirements for updating through module P-4.1.1 "Offshore crane simulator" within three years, and then update this every three years. If this update is not carried out the certificate is still valid, but the G5 certificate holder cannot operate a crane until the requirements for the simulator training have been completed.


- Introduction
- Accidents and accidents with offshore cranes
- Laws, regulations, standards, regarding offshore cranes
- Operational limitations of crane operations
- Planning of lifting operations (TBT, SJA, Work permits)
- Internal lifting, loading and lifting from / to supply boats, critical lifts, transport of personnel
- Emergency operations
- Communication
- Practical operations use of simulator
- Theoretical and practical exam

Course code: WEC-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5660,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelige kunnskaper om sikker bruk av løfteredskap slik at ulykker ved bruk unngås.


Modul 1 - 2.3

Course code: DP-2227
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: NOK 295,-

This course is only available in Norwegian.

E-læringskurset viser aktuelle funksjoner og muligheter i kommunikasjons­programmet Lync 2013. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori og oppskrifter gjør det enkelt å lære seg å kommunisere og samarbeide interaktivt med kolleger og andre kontakter. E-læringskurset inneholder 35 opplæringsvideoer.

Course code: WEC-008
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Not set
Price: From NOK 7340,-
Course code: GWO-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 1900,-

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.

The course participants will gain the knowledge and skills to handle manual lifting properly and ensure their own safety with proper lifting in accordance with ergonomics.

The aim of this module is to encourage positive manual handling behavior and train delegates ability to perform manual handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry / environment.

The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "Manual handling" must be maintained in accordance with guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.

Course code: STQ-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5700,-

Objective: The course gives personnel a good theoretical and practical basic training in casting the socket according to EN 13411-4

The course gives personnel a good theoretical and practical basic training in casting the socket according to EN 13411-4. The training is for personnel who in their daily work will use or use steel ropes. This can be deck personnel, sailors, drilling personnel, crane operators or inspectors.

The course lasts 1 day (8 hours).


- Introduction
- Regulations
- Steel rope
- Sockets casting theory according to standard EN-13411-4
- Protective measures during casting
- Practical casting
- Cutting of steel ropes
- Preparation
- Cleaning
- Casting
- Control
- Exam

Course code: DP-2247
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 7 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: NOK 450,-

E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i Word 2013. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør det enkelt å lære seg de nye funksjonene. En komplett e-læring med både grunnleggende og videregående emner. E-læringskurset inneholder 64 opplæringsvideoer.



- Redigering

- Formatering
- Sideformatering
- Språkverktøy
- Tabeller
- Illustrasjoner
- Maler og skjema
Course code: EBA-009
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: Norwegan
Price: NOK 650,-

The course provides knowledge of structure, operation, use and application, as well as maintenance and control of asphalt equipment.

The training provides knowledge of the requirements for safe use and operation in regulations, and in the user manual.

The course is divided into an introduction and one course part per equipment. You can divide the completion of the course over several days. Please take 1-2 tools at a time with a break in between.

Note! Together with a practical review of the equipment, the course satisfies the requirements for documented training of hazardous work equipment in the regulations for the execution of work.

Course code: AST-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 595,-

The IEMA Foundation course provides staff with a solid knowledge of the environment, sustainability, and governance principles relevant to organizations.  It covers specific management tools and skills with a practical application for the workplace to enable staff to improve performance.


Develop the knowledge and skills to help improve sustainability and environmental performance

Learn practical skills to help reduce the impacts of the organization on the environment


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Understand business, governance, and environmental principles and their relationship with organizations, products, and services

• Ensure compliance with major environmental policy and legislation 

• Implement specific tools, techniques, systems, and practices to improve sustainability performance

• Collect data, perform analysis and evaluate information to provide sustainable solutions

• Implement change and transformation to improve sustainability


Course code: EXT-011
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6000,-

This is a course for electrical installations in potentially explosive areas.

Our goal is to make sure that employees are motivated to work safely and securely.



• Understand the general principles of type of specific protection and correct labeling of components approved in intrinsically safe facility (IS)

• Current Exi Standard

• Could choose to install the correct Exi equipment in hazardous areas accordance with IEC 60079-14 standards and 60079-25

• How to work safely with IS

• Requirements for competence to perform work on Exi installations

• How to verify and calculate an Exi circuit



• NEK EN 60079-11

• NEK EN 60079-14

• NEK EN 60079-25

• IEC 60079-11

• IEC 60079-14

• IEC 60079-25


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: KOL-022
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 8900,-

Krav og ansvar til rollen operasjonelt ansvarlig

Lover, forskrifter og standarder som gjelder vedr. bruk av løfteutstyr

Overordnet operasjonell ledelse av løfteoperasjoner

Helhetlig planlegging av løfteoperasjoner

Utføre planlegging, identifisering og vurdering av farer, identifisering av og-

etablering av barrierer, gjennomføring og evaluering av en løfteoperasjon

Krav for oppbevaring av løst løfteutstyr

Kompetansekrav for ulike typer løfteutstyr

Krav til fadder og sensor



Målsetningen med opplæringen er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelige kunnskaper til å lede og veilede personell som er involvert i løfteoperasjoner og gjennomfører disse i tråd med Norsok R-003



Myndihetskrav, Norsok R-003

Ulykker ved feil bruk, ansvar

Helhetlig planlegging

Utøve operasjonell ledelse

Kompetanse, vedlikehold

Oppbevaring av løfteutstyr

SJA, sikkerhetsbestemmelse kran



Fadderordning, øvelseskjøring

Klassifisering av enkle løfteinnretninger



This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: WEC-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4900,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er å gi deltakerne generelle kunnskaper og ferdigheter som «kompetent person» i periodisk kontroll av ass. fallsikringsutstyr.

Course code: WEC-012
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10910,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelige kunnskaper om sikker bruk av traverskraner, slik at ulykker ved bruk unngås.


Modul 2.7 - 3.7 - 4.7

Course code: KOL-023
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5200,-

Kurset gir en grunnleggende innføring i høytrykkslanger og kuplinger og er et naturlig grunnlag for drifts- og vedlikeholdspersonell som skal foreta inspeksjon og vedlikehold på høytrykksutstyr der slanger inngår som kritiske faktorer i systemet.

Kunne utføre forebyggende inspeksjoner og vedlikehold i henhold til etablerte prosedyrer og leverandørens bruksanvisninger, kunne registrere uregelmessigheter som f.eks høy temperatur, lekkasjer i slanger og kuplinger.


Etter kurset skal deltagerne ha tilegnet seg kunnskap om høytrykkslanger og kuplinger for å kunne foreta visuell inspeksjon og kontroll for å ivareta sikkerheten, avdekke eventuelle lekkasjer slik at uønskede hendelser ikke oppstår.


Standarder og retningslinjer ( TR 1803 )

Merking og dokumentajon 

Sikkerhetskrav / HMS ved bruk av slanger og kuplinger 

Tabeller for slanger og kuplinger med oppbygning og forståelse 

Inspeksjon og kontroll av slanger


Bruk av Hose, Dats Sheet

Vedlikeholdskonsept for slanger og kuplinger

Visuel inspeksjon. Gjenger, kuplinger og slanger

 Feil- og degraderingsmekanismer

 Slangelære inkl. Installasjonsgeometri

 Håndtering og oppbevaring av slanger

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: WBB-001-12
Course type: Course package
Duration: 9 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 300,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics. 


Maintaining health and well-being while working from home encompasses many areas, including ergonomics, preventing feelings of isolation and effectively managing stress. Studies have found that more than half of people working from home had not paid any attention to ergonomics, and 94% of them reported that neither had their employers. Almost half of remote workers have experienced work-related pains. One of the most problematic aspects of home working is the isolation and the lack of access to day-to-day informal interactions. While remote working enables greater autonomy, it also leads to higher levels of work intensity. The ‘24/7’ availability for work can result in family conflict and stress. Key areas to promote a positive work-family interface include the parental ability to cope with children and amicable resolutions of conflict about working hours, household work and personal time in the family.


The ‘Healthy Home Working’ bundle includes 3 month access to 12 online courses and over 9 hours of eLearning.


• Stress Awareness

• Working Time Limits and Fatigue Management

• Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

• Ergonomics

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Employees)

• Medicine Awareness

• Smart Health: Sleeping – How to Ensure You Are Well-Rested & Energized

• Smart Mental Health: Managing Anger and Emotions

• Smart Mental Health: Keys to Successful Parenting

• Smart Health: Drinking Responsibly

• Smart Mental Health: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

• Smart Mental Health: Mastering Marriage

Course code: TK-016
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 dag
Language: Norske
Price: From NOK 4000,-

This course in only available is Norwegian.


Norske myndigheter stiller krav til at arbeidstakere som skal jobbe i stolpe kan dokumentere praktisk og teoretisk opplæring. Kurset gir en grunnleggende teoretisk og praktisk innføring i hvordan man kan jobbe på en sikker måte i stolpe. Arbeidsgiver er ansvarlig for at arbeidstakerne har den nødvendige opplæring. («Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid»).



Kurset skal gi deltakerne en grunnleggende teoretisk og praktisk innføring i hvordan man kan jobbe på en sikker måte i stolpe.



– Lover og forskrifter

– Kontroll, daglig og periodisk

– Oppbevaring og vedlikehold

– Bruk av stolpeslynge, støttestropp og stolpesko

– Evakuering med smartline

– Kameratredning med smartline

– Risikovurdering

– Egenkontroll/vurdering av stolpen

Course code: AST-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 6 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 156,-

Provided in association with Astutis, approved centre 1857.

IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing course will provide managers with the practical advice and tools to help create a healthy and productive workplace.


IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing is targeted at line managers and offers them practical advice to manage health risks and understand their responsibilities for the health and wellbeing of staff.  It equips line managers with the basic tools and techniques to play their part in improving health and wellbeing across their organisation.


The course is split into 4 modules and covers:


• Importance of managing workplace health and wellbeing

• Health risk management

• Fitness for work and the need to manage changes in the health status of employees

• The business value of promoting a wellbeing programme


Course code: GWO-002
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7920,-

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.


The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "Working at heights" must be maintained in accordance with. guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.

Course code: TK-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3500,-

Section 3-5 of the Working Environment Act requires every organisation’s most senior manager to be able to document training in HSE work. This obligation is personal and may not be delegated, and the completed training must be documented in writing.
The HSE course for managers provides an introduction to the most important aspects of the HSE work, and is undertaken in accordance with the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s guidelines for this type of training. A course certificate is issued upon completion of the course in order to fulfil the written documentation requirement.

The following topics are covered in the HSE course for managers:
– Introduction to the content and structure of the Working Environment Act
– Information about the Working Environment Act’s regulations
– Roles in the HSE work
– Working environment requirements
– Physical and psychosocial working environment
– How to establish, implement and maintain an HSE system at the workplace

Anleggsmaskin - Modul 1.1, 2.1 og 3.1

Course code: KOL-016
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: Not set

Kurset starter med fellesteori som er en grunnleggende innføring i aktuelle lover og forskrifter og en grunnleggende innføring i sikker bruk av arbeidsutstyr. Fagdelen vil gi eleven en god teoretisk grunnopplæring i sikker bruk av masseforflyttingsmaskiner samt en god innsikt i oppbygging, virkemåte, vedlikehold og bruk.

Eleven skal gjennomføre teorimodul 1.1 (8 timer), modul 2.1 (24 timer) og  3.1 (8 timer). Dette skal gi førerne en god generell grunnopplæring i sikker bruk og praktisk forståelse for prinsippene for masseforflytningsmaskiner.

Kurset gjennomføres over 5 dager, og avsluttes med en teoretisk prøve.

Etter bestått teoretisk prøve og gjennomført grunnleggende praktisk bruk modul 3.1 + praksiskjøring 32 timer, kan praktisk prøve gjennomføres. Bestått praktisk prøve vil være grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis for fører av masseforflyttingsmaskin i valgt klasse.



- Konstruksjon

- Oppbygging

- Betjening

- Bruksegenskaper

- Bruksområder

- Sikkerhetsutstyr

- Viktige kontrollpunkter

- Vedlikehold

This course in only available in Norwegian.

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