Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: BVS-008
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 18 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 900,-


This training course provides a general introduction to Naval Architecture, the art and science of building ships. 


On completion of the training, students will be able to: 

Understand the ship design process and the main terms and definitions used, including the lines plan, the form coefficients used in ship design, and the area and volume properties. 

Know the basic concepts of intact and damage stability. 

Get familiar with the main aspects of marine hydrodynamics acting on ship resistance, propulsion and seakeeping. 

Understand the basic principles of ship structures, structural design, scantling determination and typical structural arrangements of different ship types. 

Know the most common failure modes and structural defects. 

Get familiar with shipbuilding technology processes, materials used and shipyard layout 


Module 1 – Ship Geometry

Module 2 – Ship Stability and Trim

Module 3 – Damage Stability

Module 4 - Load Lines

Module 5 – Ship Resistance, Propulsion and Seakeeping

Module 6 – Introduction to Ship Structures

Module 7 – Structural Arrangement of Different Ship Types

Module 8 – Structural Design, Analysis and Classification Rules

Module 9 – Failure Modes and Structural Defects

Module 10 – Introduction to Shipbuilding


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of Introduction to Naval Architecture awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to Naval Architecture, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Course code: BVS-018
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 380,-


This training course provides a general introduction to materials and their basic properties. It includes an overview of metallic and non-metallic materials used in modern shipbuilding.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the importance of materials’ properties for shipbuilding, know the basic mechanical properties of materials and the testing procedures, be familiar with the concept of tribology, and know the two most common types of wear.

Know the main groups of steels used in shipbuilding, their main properties and places of application, and understand the difference between steel and cast iron.

Know the composition, properties and places of application of aluminium and copper alloys in shipbuilding.

Get familiar with the synthesis, structure and properties of polymers; know the most common types of polymers used and their place of application.

Understand the role of matrix and reinforcement phase in the structure of composites and know the fabrication methods of composite parts.


Module 1 - Basic Material Properties


Structural components and materials of modern vessels

Basic material properties

Mechanical properties of materials
o Tensile test
o Toughness
o Fatigue
o Creep
o Hardness

Tribological properties of materials
o Friction
o Wear

Module 2 - Metallic Materials used in Shipbuilding

Classification of metallic materials

o Normal strength steels
o Higher-strength steels
o Steels for boilers and pressure vessels
o Ferritic steels for low-temperature service
o Stainless steels
o Steel forgings
o Steel castings

Cast iron

Aluminium and its alloys
o Classification
o Heat treatment
o Wrought aluminium alloys
o Cast aluminium alloys

Copper and its alloys
o Classification
o Brass (Copper-Zinc alloys)
o Bronzes
o Copper-Nickel alloys

Module 3 - Plastic and Composites used in Shipbuilding

Polymers (plastics)
o Classification
o Application in marine engineering

o Composition
o Classification
o Polymer matrix composites
o Processing of fibre-reinforced composites
o Structural composites


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Materials in Shipbuilding, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Materials in Shipbuilding is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: APP-014
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 90 Minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 1390,-

The course is for performing personnel whose work may affect the safety of electrical installations through the use of possible ignition sources.

The course is in accordance with EN IEC 60079-14, NEK 420, the Petroleum Act, the ATEX Directive.

Course code: GWO-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 2250,-

Basic Fire Awareness for the wind industry.

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.

The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "Fire Awareness" must be maintained in accordance with. guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.

Norwegian only

Course code: LSI-002
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 4 hours 30 minutes
Language: Polish
Price: NOK 1190,-

This course covers the theoretical part of the documented safety training required for slingers and signallers. The course is also suitable as a refresher for crane operators and other personnel who have previously completed training in lifting appliances and lifting gear. The course content deals with selection, control and safe use of the most common lifting gear used in construction, industry, shipping and offshore. Signalling, communication and controlling the load are key topics of the course.

In addition, the course requires that practical training is conducted on applicable work equipment.


The course contains 9 modules:

• Lifting equipment, expressions and acronyms

• Slinging, center of gravity, working angles and lifting tables

• Fibre slings

• Lifting gears of chain

• Wire rope slings

• Shackles

• Eye bolts, nuts and lifting lugs

• Signals and signs, and control of load

• Safety regulations for lifting operations

Course code: DP-2266
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: Not set
Language: Norsk
Price: NOK 450,-

E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i e-postprogrammet Outlook 2016. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør det enkelt å lære seg de nye funksjonene og verktøyene. E-læringskurset inneholder 46 opplæringsvideoer.

E-læringskurset er tilpasset Office 365.

Testene i e-læringskurset måler kunnskap før, under og etter opplæringen. Når ettertesten er bestått får du tilgang til et kursbevis i PDF-format som enkelt kan lagres eller skrives ut.



- Før du starter

- Sending av meldinger

- Behandling av meldinger

- Kalender

- Personer

- Oppgaver og notater

Course code: DP-2268
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: Not set
Language: Norsk
Price: NOK 450,-

E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i operativsystemet Windows 10. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør det enkelt å lære seg de nye funksjonene. E-læringskurset inneholder 35 opplæringsvideoer.

E-læringskurset viser bruk av både berøringsskjerm, mus og tastatur.

Testene i e-læringskurset måler kunnskap før, under og etter opplæringen. Når ettertesten er bestått får du tilgang til et kursbevis i PDF-format som enkelt kan lagres eller skrives ut.



- Bli kjent med Windows 10

- Skrivebordet

- Arbeide med apper

- Innstillinger

Course code: WBB-001
Course type: Course package
Duration: 9 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 99,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics. 


Maintaining health and well-being while working from home encompasses many areas, including ergonomics, preventing feelings of isolation and effectively managing stress. Studies have found that more than half of people working from home had not paid any attention to ergonomics, and 94% of them reported that neither had their employers. Almost half of remote workers have experienced work-related pains. One of the most problematic aspects of home working is the isolation and the lack of access to day-to-day informal interactions. While remote working enables greater autonomy, it also leads to higher levels of work intensity. The ‘24/7’ availability for work can result in family conflict and stress. Key areas to promote a positive work-family interface include the parental ability to cope with children and amicable resolutions of conflict about working hours, household work and personal time in the family.


The ‘Healthy Home Working’ bundle includes 3 month access to 12 online courses and over 9 hours of eLearning.


• Stress Awareness

• Working Time Limits and Fatigue Management

• Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

• Ergonomics

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Employees)

• Medicine Awareness

• Smart Health: Sleeping – How to Ensure You Are Well-Rested & Energized

• Smart Mental Health: Managing Anger and Emotions

• Smart Mental Health: Keys to Successful Parenting

• Smart Health: Drinking Responsibly

• Smart Mental Health: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

• Smart Mental Health: Mastering Marriage

Course code: WBB-003
Course type: Course package
Duration: 10 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 99,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Managing remote teams and business continuity are operational priorities for companies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Remote working allows some operations to continue and facilitate flexible work schedules, which typically improves individual performance. However, greater flexibility and leading teams remotely puts a greater burden on managers and makes supervision more complex. 


The group of workers who experience most difficulty in handling ‘boundary-less’ working are actually managers.  This is mainly because they are connected longer in their ‘non-working time’.


The ‘Managing Remote Teams’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 10 hours of eLearning. 


• Negativity in the Workplace

• Decision Making

• Supporting Change: 03-Your Path to Supporting Change

• Management 101: 02-Leading and Communicating as a Manager

• Smart Management: Managing a Geographically Distributed Workforce

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Managers)

• Lone Working (Managers)

• An Effective Leader’s Guide to Time Management

• Team Building IV: Conflict Management

• Essential Skills of Leadership: 05-Lead Effective Meetings

Course code: NMA-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6600,-

This course is available in Norwegian only.

Kurs for personell som skal tjenestegjøre som SSO om bord på skip eller flyttbare innrettninger. Etter 1/7-09 må personell inneha "Certificate of proficiency". Dette er et sertifikat som utstedes etter gjennomført og bestått kurs. ISPS er IMOs internasjonale kode for sikkerhet og terrorberedskap på skip og i havneterminaler. 

Course code: TOS-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 6,0 t
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9500,-
Course code: EXT-13
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Not set
Price: From NOK 21400,-
Course code: KON-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 34 hours
Language: Norwegian and English
Price: From NOK 26500,-

This course is intended for Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPO) with a certificate from the Nautical Institute that are unable to revalidate their DPO certificate due to insufficient DP sea time.

By the end of the course the participants shall:

- Have acquired knowledge of the latest rules and regulations
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest developments within sensors and Position Reference Systems (PRS)
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest relevant DP incidents and why they occurred
- Be able to recognize the various alarm, warning and information messages
- Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks
- Set up the DP system for a particular task/operation
- Decide on courses of action because of system failure

The course is conducted as classroom training, combining theoretical presentation  and practical work/discussion with exercises in simulator and guidance. For practical capabilities and skills, exercises are performed in fully equipped DP simulator. This course will fulfil the revalidation learning objectives as specified by Nautical institute.


Course code: GAN-014
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3900,-

Kurset er en påbygging på ordinært truckførerbevis for trucker t.o.m. 10 tonn, og vil gi deltagerne den kompetanseheving som skal til for å kunne betjene stortruck sikkert, slik at uhell og ulykker unngås.





- Krav til Truckfører

- Ulykker med stortruck

- Truckens virkemåte og konstruksjon

- Stabilitet

- Godshåndtering

- Kontroll og vedlikehold

- Sikkerhetsregler ved bruk

- Sertifisering/dokumentasjon




Etter bestått teoretisk prøve og gjennomført grunnleggende praktisk bruk + praksiskjøring, kan praktisk prøve gjennomføres. Bestått praktisk prøve vil være grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis for fører av truck over 10 000 kg, i aktuell klasse.


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: EXT-010
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6000,-

This is a course for electrical installations in potentially explosive areas.

Objective: Our goal is to make sure that employees are motivated to work safely and securely.



• General principles of explosion protection 

• Site classification and zone section 

• Gas groups and the connection between site and equipment 

• Temperature classes and the connection between the site and equipment 

• General principles for the type of protection and tagging 

• Inspection and maintenance in explosive environment 

• How maintenance work is carried out in explosive environment

• What the participant can do itself, and what needs to be submitted to the authorized repair shop



• NEK 420

• IEC / NEK EN 60079-10-1

• IEC / NEK EN 60079-14

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: STQ-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 5990,-

Objective: To give the person who is to work with a traverse crane knowledge about safe use, daily control and maintenance as well as competence to avoid accidents and incidents.

The authorities set requirements for basic safety certification of persons who are to operate bridge and overhead cranes. The requirements include both theoretical and practical training

G4 Bridge and Traverse Crane Basic course consists of modules 2.7 and 3.7. To complete the course, you must take and pass a theoretical exam.

Proper use of overhead cranes is of great importance for the safety of crane operators and other personnel who participate in lifting operations. Incorrect assessments can have major consequences and lead to serious injuries to the crane driver, other personnel as well as equipment and surroundings. Positive attitudes towards safety are therefore important during training.

The crane driver training for G4 consists of five modules:

- Module 1.1 working environment, responsibilities and consequences. *
- Module 2.3 G11 Lifting gear (strap and sling).
- Module 2.7 G4 bridge and overhead crane
- Module 3.7 Basic practical training G4
- Module 4.7 Practical driving training G4
- Practical Final test G4

* Module 1.1 is common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can not document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, this must be taken again.

Module 4.7 can be completed in a company using a sponsorship arrangement. If you do not have the opportunity to do so, you can participate in one of STQ's practice courses.


- Introduction with requirements for the driver
- Applications for overhead cranes
- Accidents with bridge and overhead cranes
- Construction of different types
- Electrical system on bridge and traverse cranes
- Safety switches
- Steel rope / block
- Certification / documentation
- Inspection and maintenance
- Main components
- Checkpoints
- Overload safety equipment
- Practical use of lifting equipment
- Driving technique

Course code: STQ-010
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4990,-

Objective: Through a combination of theory and practical training, this course provides participants with the necessary knowledge on how to perform rescue from enclosed spaces.

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has made major changes to the regulations. People who work in tanks and closed rooms are the biggest difference that the regulation "Work in tanks" has fallen away. This is replaced by section 29 of the regulations «execution of work», which states that all work in closed rooms shall be performed «without danger to life or health». A simple requirement that gives the employer a great deal of responsibility.

New SOLAS requirements: Exercises in closed rooms and rescue, as well as portable gas measuring equipment.

Applies to: All ships covered by SOLAS and all high-speed vessels, mobile offshore drilling units and dynamically positioned vessels

Our courses are in accordance with SOLAS-IMO requirements and the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority - Execution of work

The definitions of a cramped space vary from country to country, but the usual criteria usually include:

- A room that is predominantly or completely closed
- Contains health and / or safety hazards
- Is not designed for continuous stay of employees
- Has entrances or exits that are small or difficult to access
- A room that is large enough that you can enter it completely and perform the work tasks you have been assigned
- Limited air circulation


- Knowledge of public laws and regulations
- Know which constituents a safe breathing air contains
- How to make a gas measurement before entering
- Planning of entry jobs and rescue operations in closed rooms
- Equipment knowledge
- Exercises in entry and use of fall protection equipment, rescue equipment, breathing air equipment and gas meter
- Implementation of rescue work in connection with closed and cramped rooms
- Rigging of fall protection and rescue equipment
- Patient management

Course code: TQ_015
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

There are three business languages managers need to understand in order to make the best decisions. These languages are accounting, finance, and economics. Leaders use these languages to see how their company has performed in the past (accounting), plan how the company should move forward (finance), and predict how outside influences will affect their plan (economics). The benefits of having a working knowledge of these three languages include being able to understand and communicate with others in he organization about financial issues, making decisions that align with overall corporate goals and strengthening your value to the company.


• Make better business decisions based on accounting 

• Use historical financial performance data to plan for the future 

• Educate yourself to make better financial, accounting, and economic decisions

Course code: TQ_025
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 MInutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Courage is the ability and willingness to act in spite of fear. Many of us avoid talking about bias, racism, and white privilege because we are afraid. We are afraid of not knowing what to say; afraid of being judged, or afraid of the change these conversations may produce. To have a courageous conversation about race is to engage in necessary dialogue despite fear.


Authentic conversations are the first step toward personal awakening and creating an environment where meaningful change can occur. Fear and anger are common examples of emotional feedback that can arise when faced with unfamiliar or uncomfortable topics. Finding the courage to acknowledge those emotions is the first step. Engaging in open, constructive dialogue with people who may not share your views nor your life experiences is the way forward.


• How to prepare for a courageous conversation?

• What are the practical tips for conducting a courageous conversation?

• How to address conflict if it arises during the courageous conversation?


Course code: TQ_031
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

"“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” 

-Zig Ziglar was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker 


In this course, we will explore cascading goals. Organizations have used cascading goals in its performance management process for decades. The purpose of cascading goals is to ensure that individual goals align with organizational objectives. We will examine some approaches used by organizations to cascade goals. We will also explore why some organizations are now turning this process upside down.


• Describe the two approaches of cascading goals from top to bottom 

• List the disadvantages of the top to bottom approach 

• Describe the bottom to top approach and identify its disadvantages

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