Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: ALT-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian - Exam avail ...
Price: From NOK 16500,-

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack on driller level (Level 3).

A printed course manual and exercise book is provided for all attendees. The IWCF exam is included in the course.

The course has been made on basis of the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, issued by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP).

Course Content
- Kick prevention
- Shut in procedures
- Well control methods
- Kill sheet calculations
- Practical simulator training
- Circulation methods
- Practical simulator assessment
- IWCF written exam on the last day (Friday)

Please note! The course is in Norwegian, however you have the option to select the exam language to be English

Course code: NOG-OSE114-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norsk
Price: From NOK 8200,-

The object of this course is to help participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their operational / emergency response function.


A representative selection of the content of the Small MOB Boat Basic Course adapted to participants’ previous knowledge, with major emphasis on practical training and drills.


This course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: NOG-OSE129-REP
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9900,-

The object of this course is to help course participants maintain and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding their role in an emergency response situation.


This course consists of a representative selection of the material from the Lifeboat Coxswain Conventional Lifeboat – Basic Course, adapted to participants’ previous knowledge, with major emphasis on practical training and drills.


This course is valid for 2 years.
Course code: TES-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 2950,-

The course "Hose assembly – safe appliances" provides a basic introduction to the safe use of hoses and selection of fittings for different applications. Furthermore, the course focuses on the identification of fittings, as well as basic practical training in hose assembly.

After the course, participants will be able to use the hose assembly equipment in a way that maintains a safe and appropriate work process. The course is divided into a theoretical and a practical part and is concluded with a written certification test. The course is conducted according to the standard TR 1803 and Oil and Gas United Kingdom Standard.

Course code: NOG-OFI100
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 18500,-

After completing the course, participants should have the necessary knowledge and skills to fight fires with the available equipment on the platform and on the vessel. Theoretical and practical instruction should provide participants with a clear understanding of their own and the equipment's limitations.


Course Content

- Emergency organisation

- Lifesaving First aid

- Checking the condition of the patient

- Fire theory

- Extinguishing agents

- Extinguishing equipment

- Fire fighting and limitations

- Physiology

- Pneumatic and other smoke diving equipment

- Search and rescue (smoke diving).

- Gas and liquids under pressure

- Mental reactions and dealing with stress (during accidents and disasters)

- Rescue work during a fire.


This course is valid for 48 months.

Course code: MAE-009
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 17695,-

This introductory course provides the drilling personnel with basic understanding of well control. Progressing junior staff get a solid background and knowledge of why well control is essential, how well control is maintained, what the indicators are that well control might be lost, and how to regain the control once it has been lost.

Understand the negative consequences associated with loss of well control
Understand the need for detection
Recognize the warning signs of abnormal pressure
Know the actions that should be taken when kick indicators are present
Be familiar with the functions of the bop equipment
Be able to select well control method to regain control
Be able to fill in a IWCF surface and/or subsea kill sheet
Be able to calculate kill mud weight, initial circulation pressure and final circulation pressure
Correctly obtain shut in pressures in the well
Understand the barrier concept
Know the impact pumping cement could have on well control
Obtain sufficient knowledge to pass a written IWCF test with minimum 70% score

Course code: VTK-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4725,-

Only in Norwegian

Kurset gir kunnskap om farer ved hydrogensulfid og svoveldioksid, symptomer ved forgiftning og kunnskap om livreddende førstehjelp. Kursdeltakerne skal lære å ta vare på egen og andres sikkerhet ved riktig bruk av verneutstyr. Etter fullført kurs kan deltakerne arbeide i H2S-utsatte områder.

- Farer, kjennetegn og egenskaper ved hydrogensulfid (H2S) og Svoveldikosid (SO2)
- Kilder til H2S og SO2
- Riktig bruk av deteksjonsutstyr
- Symptomer på eksponering
- Redningsteknikker og førstehjelp til personer utsatt for H2S- og SO2-eksponering
- Riktig bruk og vedlikehold av åndedrettsvern: Teori, demonstrasjon og praksis
- Kunnskap om vindretning og evakuering
- Prosedyrer for entring av lukket rom
- Grenseverdier for H2S og SO2

Kurset bygger på følgende regelverk:
- API recommended practice 49 Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide
- Arbeidstilsynets Grunnlag for fastsettelse av administrativ norm for hydrogensulfid
- Forskrift om tiltaks- og grenseverdier best. Nr. 704

Course code: NOG-GSK-REP-ENG
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: English
Price: From NOK 8000,-

The object of this course is to ensure that course participants maintain and update their knowledge of basic safety and emergency response.

Course code: KOL-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 12600,-

Kurset vil gi kranoperatører en god teoretisk grunnopplæring på bro og traverskraner slik at uhell og ulykker i forbindelse med løfteoparsjoner unngås. Opplæringen gir kandidatene god innsikt i prinsippene for traverskraners konstruksjon,virkemåte, vedlikehold og bruk. Ved bestått teoretisk og praktisk prøve, vil det gi grunnlag for utstedelse av kompetansebevis G4 Bro-og traverskraner.

- Innledning med krav til kranførerer
- Bruksområder for traverskraner
- Ulykker med bro- og traverskraner
- Oppbygging av forskjellige typer bro- og traverskraner
- Elektrisk anlegg på bro- og traverskraner
- Sikkerhetsbrytere 
- Ståltau / blokk 
- Sertifisering / dokumentasjon
- Kontroll og vedlikehold, sikkerhetsregler ved bruk

- Øvingsoppgaver 

- Eksamen



Modul 2.7 (16 timer) G4- Bro- og Traverskran 

Modul 3.7 - G4 (8 timer) Praktisk bruk


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: ALT-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian - Exam avail ...
Price: From NOK 16500,-

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack at supervisor level.

A printed course manual and exercise book is provided for all attendees. The IWCF exam is included in the course.

The course has been made on basis of the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, issued by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP).


Course Content

- Kick prevention
- Shut in procedures
- Well control methods
- Kill sheet calculations
- Practical simulator training
- Circulation methods
- Practical simulator assessment
- IWCF written exam on the last day (Friday)


Courseprovider is Altus Intervention

Please note! The course is in Norwegian, however you have the option to select the exam language to be English

Course code: VTK-002
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwergian
Price: From NOK 4725,-

The course is only available in Norwegian.


Kurset skal gi deltakerne praktisk opplæring i gassmåling og kunnskap om farer ved arbeid i utsatte miljøer. Kurset er holdningsskapende og skal gi økt bevissthet rundt viktigheten av gassdeteksjon og riktig bruk av verneutstyr.

- Målebegreper for gassmåling
- Målemetoder
- Sjekkliste for å kontrollere og klargjøre instrumentet før bruk
- Riktig bruk av gassmålingsinstrumentet
- Instrumentets begrensninger
- Farer ved for lite og for mye oksygen
- Farer ved giftig gass, VOC og brennbare gasser
- Krav til sikker pusteluft og gassfri atmosfære
- Arbeid i lukket rom
- Dagens eksponeringsbilde for kjemikalier
- Viktigheten av gassdeteksjon og personlig varsling
- Kjennskap til gjeldende regelverk
- Oppgaver og praktiske øvelser

Kurset bygger på følgende lovverk/regelverk:
- Forskrift 703 Utførelse av arbeid
- Forskrift 706 Tiltaks- og grenseverdier

Course code: BIKS-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days (24 hours)
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7900,-
Course code: KOL-014
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10200,-

Grunnleggende opplæring i arbeidsmiljø og HMS for verneombud, medlemmer av AMU (arbeidsmiljøutvalget), ledere, arbeidsledere og tillitsvalgte. Kurset tilfredsstiller kravene i AML § 6-5 til opplæring av verneombud.

- Arbeid med og innføring i Arbeidsmiljøloven
- Hovedprinsipper i helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeid
- HMS system (internkontroll)
- Arbeidsgivers og arbeidstakers plikter
- Psykososialt arbeidsmiljø
- Fysisk arbeidsmiljø
- Sykefravær og arbeidsmiljø
- Inkluderende arbeidsliv
- Varsling

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: NOG-OER109
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 15000,-

After completing the course, the students should be able to take part in their own organisation’s emergency management and be familiar with emergency preparedness in the petroleum industry.


Course Content

Lectures and simulation/practical exercises and drills within:

- Emergency preparedness organisation

- Efficient management of an emergency situation

- Cooperation – roles and responsibilities

- Mental reactions and stress management

- Emergency room conduct – practical training


This course is valid for 24 months.

Course code: TS-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9250,-

Repetisjonskurs for deg som skal signere for arbeid og entring iht Forskrift nr.1357 ”Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid” og som skal registreres som sertifikatutsteder offshore eller på verft, kjemisk og petrokjemisk industri iht. krav fra Direktoratet for arbeidstilsynet (krever repetisjon ila 5 år).



- Brann- og eksplosjonsteori. Eksplosjonsområder. Klassifisering av brannfarlig vare. Tennkilder. Gruppeoppgave med gjennomgang og demonstrasjoner

- Gjennomgang av forskrifter. Gruppeoppgave med gjennomgang

- Klargjøring før vedlikehold av HCførende systemer

- Rengjøringsmetoder og måleplaner

- Områdeklarering med Arbeidstillatelse

- Klargjøring før bruk og betjening av instrumenter


Deles i 3 grupper som hver har praktiske øvelser med instrumenter for:

- Brennbare gasser

- Oksygen

- Helseskadelige stoffer

- Radioaktivitet

- Gassmålinger og LRA-målinger. Deltakerne gjennomfører div målinger og diskuterer problemstillinger og akseptable løsninger

- Statisk elektrisitet som tennkilde. Farer og forholdsregler

- Gassfriing av system/tanker med vann, damp og nøytralgass N2

- Praktisk og skriftlig sluttest

Course code: NOG-OSE114
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 13500,-

This course focuses on the basic elements of MOB boat training and may be completed regardless of the type of boats participants use.

After completion of the course, the students should:
- Be able to launch, hook in and operate the boat and equipment in a satisfactory manner.
- Be familiar with the most common search methods
- Be able to pick up and carry out lifesaving treatment of an injured person.
Course Content 
- Organisation/Operation/Task distribution
- Regulatory and industry requirements
- MOB boat technical
- Manoeuvring
- Hook arrangement – Set-up/hoisting
- Navigation and compass use
- Communication
- Search and rescue
- First aid
This course is valid for 24 months.
Course code: IKM-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: English
Price: From NOK 6400,-

The main objective of the course in pressure testing is to provide each course participant the basic knowledge of the preparation, planning, execution and documentation of pressure testing as a discipline.


Focus on safety and proper selection of equipment is essential to prevent accidents and loss of assets.


Training will be made according to specific standards. The course will include a theoretical part, practical part and examinations.


Course Content

Theoretical part

The main tasks during the course will be:

- Different methods for pressure testing

- Performance of pressure testing

- Work Packages and drawings


- Equipment for pressure testing

- Pressure and temperature theory

- Introduction in fittings and thread types

- Flanges, Gaskets and Bolts

- Valves

- Standards, calibration and documentation



The simulated practice test will be performed on a training jig under supervision of an instructor. There will be reviewed work packages for performing virtually work packages which will be out in the field.

Course code: TS-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9250,-

Kurset gir sertifisering for arbeid og entring iht. Norsk forskrift nr. 1357 "Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid".

- Forskrifter, regelverk og retningslinjer for arbeids- og entringstillatelser
- Sikker entring
- Lekkasjesøk
- Prinsipp for rengjøring og gassfriing av systemer/tanker med vann, damp og nøytralgass N2
- Bærbare gassmålingsinstrumenter som kan måle i nøytralgass(inert) atmosfære
- Teoretiske og praktiske øvelser i gassfriings- og rengjøringsmetoder
- Utarbeide spylingsplan for N2, avstengningsplan og utblindingsplan iht prosedyre
- Gassmålinger i anlegget iht utarbeidede planer over
- Gassfriing (skarp øvelse)
- Avsluttende skriftlig test

Course code: MAE-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5590,-

Focus on various phases of a drilling operation.
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to describe the various phases of a drilling operation. They should be able to identify, state the position and give an account of how drilling equiopment is used on a platform.


Course Content

Data collection:

- Formation research

- Petroleum geology

- Drillhole logging


Platform types:

- Various platform types


Drilling technology with drilling equipment:

- Lift system

- Help equipment for drilling

- Drill column

- Bits

- Surge pipe and BOP

- Compensatory equipment

- Fishing and fishing equipment

- Directional drilling

- Drilling from a floating installation


General well control:

- Hydro static pressure

- Formation pressure

- Break-up pressure

- Grounds for kick

- Out-circulating of kick

- Methods for killing operation

- Concept of kick/blow-out

- Well-control equipment


Feed pipes and cementing:

- Types of feed pipes

- Putting in feed pipes

- Cementing

- Equipment/cement unit


Mud technology:

- Functions of mud

- Equipment

- Cleaning mud


The course can also be arranged internally and can be tailor-made for individual companies.

Course code: KOL-012
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day / 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3800,-

Hensikten med kurset er å gi opplæring av riktig og sikker bruk av fallsikringsutstyr og bruk av redningsutstyr. Kurset gir kandidaten opplæring i hvordan de skal gjøre seg kjent med vedlikeholdsrutiner og produsentens bruksanvisning slik at fallsikrings- og redningsutstyr brukes på en riktig og sikker måte.

Leksjon 1 i Mod. O-2.2 og siste punkt i leksjon 2 i Mod. O-3.2

- Innledning
- Regelverk, standarder og retningslinjer
- Risikovurdering og risikohåndtering
- Konsekvenser av et fall i fallsikringsutstyr
- Kjennskap og ferdigheter til relevante typer fallsikringssystem, utstyr og metoder
- Krav til vedlikehold, oppbevaring og kontroll
- Skriftlig prøve

This course is only available in Norwegian.

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