Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: TQ_045
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The old saying, greater the risk, greater the rewards has probably rung true for many of us in different stages and areas of life. However, still most people tend to avoid risks when possible, because they think that inaction is often safer than action. The belief is that taking a risk is “exposing oneself to the possibility of loss or injury in the hopes of achieving a gain or reward.” But the legendary boxer Muhammed Ali stated “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” In this course, you will learn to mitigate risks and start taking calculated risks.


• Recognize the need for smart risk-taking and its 5 components

• Determine the strategies of smart risk-taking  

• List the types of risk-taking cultures


Course code: EXT-012
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 11200,-

This course is made for personell envolved in design, planning, projecting, installation and maintenance on electrical installations and equipment offshore. 

The purpose of the standard is to minimize the hazards to people and equipment, whilst optimizing dependability.

Objective: The purpose of the standard is to minimize the hazards to people and equipment, whilst optimizing dependability.


- An easy to understand overview and explanation of the committees/regulations/standards and how they are intertwined. 

- Presentation of the regulations and norms: PTIL 5 HMS, Nek 410 (IEC 60092), Nek 420 (IEC 60079), ATEX directives including standards and the Norsok series. 

- The structure and history of the IEC 61892 series, and the scope and application. 

- By using a fictive, illustrated installation, we will focus on the practical elements covered in the following standards: 

o IEC 61892-1 - General requirements and conditions 

o IEC 61892-2 - System Design 

o IEC 61892-3 – Equipment 

o IEC 61892-4 – Cables 

o IEC 61892-6 – Installation 


o IEC 61892-7 – Hazardous areas


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: HYT-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: English
Price: From NOK 14500,-

Hytorc provide fundamental courses in flange work.
An important aspect of our operation is rooted in courses and training in flange work and bolted connections. We have been involved in the development of courses since OLF started their Gasslekasjeprosjekt (Gas-leakage project) in 2003, up until the updated requirements per NS-EN 1591-4 as of today.


The industries requirements in regards to training has provided improvements in the form of decrease in amounts of leakages both offshore and onshore. The executive operator gains better understanding and enhanced competence which further results in a safer work environment.

The fundamental course in flange work spans over 4 days, covering both theoretical- and practical training. Examination on both the theoretical and practical work will be conducted. Upon successful completion of the exams, a course certificate will be awarded. This certificate is valid for 5 years. To extend the validation of the certificate, a one-day refresher course must be completed before the expiration date of the certificate (within 5 years).
The refresher course prolongs the validity of the certificate for another 5 years upon completion.

The primary goal of the course is to provide necessary and required training which enables the individual to conduct independent work on flanges and bolted connections.

The course offers the attendees fundamental knowledge, inter alia:

-          Flanges

-          Clamps

-          Bolts and lubrication

-          Gaskets

-          Work Procedures

-          Understanding and safe use of hydraulic tools, torque wrench and equipment

-          Associated documents

The course is set up on request.

Course code: ARL-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3900,-

Only in Norwegian

Kurset gir kursdeltakerne kunnskap om ARL's funksjon og rolle, effektiv kommunikasjon, innholdet i situasjonsrapporter og observasjonsteknikker. Deltakerne lærer også hvordan man slokker mindre branntilløp, samt å utføre livreddende førstehjelp.

Kurset er i hovedsak basert på praktiske øvelser i slukking av brann, bruk av utstyr, slukkemetoder og førstehjelp.



- Funksjon og rolle 
- Observasjonsteknikk 
- Kommunikasjon 
- Situasjonsrapport
- Slokking av branntilløp med håndslokkemateriell 
- Barrierer (tekniske, menneskelige og organisatoriske)


- Sirkulasjon / blødninger 
- Hjerte- og lungeredning 
- Brannskader 
- Stans av blødninger
- Hode-, nakke- og ryggskader 
- Transport av skadde 
- Førstehjelp, nye momenter


Etter endt undervisning skal kursdeltakerne:
- Kjenne til ARL's funksjon og rolle
- Kunne etablere effektiv kommunikasjon 
- Kjenne til innholdet i en situasjonsrapport 
- Effektivt kunne slokke et mindre branntilløp med en håndslokkemateriell 
- Kjenne til observasjonsteknikker 
- Kunne utføre livreddende førstehjelp

DPO Certification Exam Advanced Operations

Course code: KOL-048
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


This exam tests the skills and competence of a DPO against the requirements given in the competence standard DNV-GL Notation AJ/FT-AT.

The exam is a thorough test, covering the most important competences for a DPO, in compliance with relevant DNVGL competence standards. The test measures how well operation of equipment, duties and tasks are performed, all in compliance with relevant international, national and local regulations and requirements.


The test center will upon receipt of the application formsend a notification containing the following:

• Exam date and time
• Exam place and Terms & conditions
• Recertification requirements
• DNV GL standard for certification ST-0023
• Standard for certification 0032, Appendix A: Examination regulations
• Time schedule for examination


• DNV GL Standard for certification ST-0032 - Test centre for certification of personnel
• DNV GL standard for certification ST-0033 - Maritime simulator systems
• DNV GL standard for certification ST-0023 - Competence of Dynamic Positioning Operators


A DNV GL DPO certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the exam.

Offshore Crane Basic

Course code: KOL-051
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


The course aim to give knowledge, understanding and practical skills within:
• Operations
• Forces
• Communication
• Planning


• Safety functions
• Start / stop procedures
• Operational limitations of crane operations
• Communication during crane operations
• Preparation and planning of crane operations
• Internal transport on the installation
• Loading and unloading supply vessels
• Crane operation on various fixed and floating installations


The purpose of this course is to give operators and others involved in lifting operations the basic knowledge, understanding and skills.

This is achieved through an in-depth period of training on a full-scale DNV GL Class A crane simulator, supported by a program of lectures and instruction.

Study will cover dierent types of loads and external forces affecting the load on crane and boat.


References: NORSOK R003

The course can be adjusted to suit company specific needs regarding the choice of unloading/loading procedures.


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Offshore loading Phase 2 w/DP Cap

Course code: KOL-053
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


The Offshore loading courses are designed to meet  Equinor, OGUK and company specific requirements for training of shuttle tanker personnel. The objective is to achieve optimal skills and understanding on how to handle a shuttle tanker in DP mode. The participants will use previously acquired knowledge on manual handling and basic DP together with updated advanced DP knowledge during training on Shuttle tanker operational procedures.

The course focuses on handling Shuttle Tankers in close proximity to Floating Production Storage and Off take units (FPSO’s/FSU’s), Offshore Loading systems (OLS), Single Anchor Loading (SAL) and Direct Shuttle Loading (DSL) from various FPSO’s.


Discussions on unwanted incidents
• Contingency situation scenarios
• Gain thorough understanding of:
- The DP system’s possibilities and limitations
- Offshore Loading procedures for various fields
- Correct use of Position Reference systems
- Requirements and guidelines that applies for
- Shuttle Tanker DPO’s


All approaches to the loading buoys are carried out by using Dynamic Positioning Systems, according to procedures. Simulations also include reconstruction of known DP incidents involving shuttle tankers. The complexity of these exercises will be based on the experience of the person “in charge” on the bridge.


• Equinor Competence Requirements for Shuttle Tanker Personnel, WR 239
• OGUK Tandem Loading Guidelines Volume 1
• Teekay Competence Requirements, SP 0961
• Various operational procedures


Certification of attendance will be issued on successful completion of the course.

Oppgradering fra Norsk Olje og Gass til IMO50 (STCW A-VI/1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4)

Course code: NMA-022
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: Not set

Oppgradering fra Norsk Olje og Gass til IMO50 for personell som innehar Grunnleggende sikkerhetskurs for Norsk Olje og Gass (Offshore).

Kurset oppgrader personell med Grunnleggende sikkerhetskurs for Norsk Olje og Gass (Offshore) til STCW Grunnleggende sikkerhetsopplæring for sjøfolk. Kurset inneholder brannvern, røykdykking, brannslokking, sjøredning, grunnleggende førstehjelp og personlig sikkerhet og omsorg for menneskeliv og miljø. Kurset er godkjent etter IMO regelverket og gjelder hele verden.

Course code: WBB-003-12
Course type: Course package
Duration: 10 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 250,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Managing remote teams and business continuity are operational priorities for companies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Remote working allows some operations to continue and facilitate flexible work schedules, which typically improves individual performance. However, greater flexibility and leading teams remotely puts a greater burden on managers and makes supervision more complex. 


The group of workers who experience most difficulty in handling ‘boundary-less’ working are actually managers.  This is mainly because they are connected longer in their ‘non-working time’.


The ‘Managing Remote Teams’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 10 hours of eLearning. 


• Negativity in the Workplace

• Decision Making

• Supporting Change: 03-Your Path to Supporting Change

• Management 101: 02-Leading and Communicating as a Manager

• Smart Management: Managing a Geographically Distributed Workforce

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Managers)

• Lone Working (Managers)

• An Effective Leader’s Guide to Time Management

• Team Building IV: Conflict Management

• Essential Skills of Leadership: 05-Lead Effective Meetings

DPO Shuttle Tanker

Course code: KOL-044
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


This course aim to provide Navigators on Shuttle Tankers knowledge and skills to be a certified DPO in offshore Loading Operations.

By the end of the course the students should have:

• Acquired a thorough knowledge of the various type of Offloading Operations, i.e. OLS (Offshore Loading System), SAL (Single Anchor Loading), Tandem loading from FPSO’s and FSU’s and DSL (Direct Shuttle Loading)
• The capability to operate the DP System in various
• modes associated with offshore loading operations; i.e. Joystick, Auto Pos, Approach, Weather Wane
• The ability to carry out any Offshore Loading Operation according to field procedures, guidelines and to best practice.
• The ability to react correctly to any unforeseen DP incident in order to avoid a disaster


• Simulator exercises
• Briefing and de-briefing of a variety of relevant exercises according to the actual field procedures
• Shuttle Tanker competence and training requirements
• Basic Human Factors


All Offshore Loading exercises will be carried out on a Full Scale Visual DNV GL Approved DP Class A simulator, being able to simulate all types of operation listed as learning objectives.


• DNV GL, Standard for Certification no. 0023
• DNV GL, Standard for Certification no. 0008
• DNV GL, RP-0007


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Course code: GAN-011
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 2275,-

Grunnleggende teoretisk og generell sikkerhetsopplæring i trykktesting iht. Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid best. 703.



- Trykk og testmedier

- Materiallære

- Bolter og skruer

- Kontroll og vedlikehold

- Gjenger og koblinger

- Sikkerhet

- Høytrykkspumper og boosterpumper

- Slanger

- Valg av testutstyr

- Prosedyrer

- Måleenheter/tabeller

- Arbeidsmiljø

- Avsluttende teoretisk prøve

Course code: TES-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: English
Price: From NOK 2950,-

The course "Hose assembly – safe appliances" provides a basic introduction to the safe use of hoses and selection of fittings for different applications. Furthermore, the course focuses on the identification of fittings, as well as basic practical training in hose assembly.

After the course, participants will be able to use the hose assembly equipment in a way that maintains a safe and appropriate work process. The course is divided into a theoretical and a practical part and is concluded with a written certification test. The course is conducted according to the standard TR 1803 and Oil and Gas United Kingdom Standard.

Course code: STQ-009
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9990,-

Objective: Through a combination of theory and practical training, this course provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills required to work safely in enclosed spaces.

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has made major changes to the regulations. People who work in tanks and closed rooms are the biggest difference that the regulation "Work in tanks" has fallen away. This is replaced by section 29 of the regulations «execution of work», which states that all work in closed rooms shall be performed «without danger to life or health». A simple requirement that gives the employer a great deal of responsibility.

New SOLAS requirements: Exercises in closed rooms and rescue, as well as portable gas measuring equipment.

Applies to: All ships covered by SOLAS and all high-speed vessels, mobile offshore drilling units and dynamically positioned vessels

Our courses are in accordance with SOLAS-IMO requirements and the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority - Execution of work

The definitions of a cramped space vary from country to country, but the usual criteria usually include:

- A room that is predominantly or completely closed
- Contains health and / or safety hazards
- Is not designed for continuous stay of employees
- Has entrances or exits that are small or difficult to access
- A room that is large enough that you can enter it completely and perform the work tasks you have been assigned
- Limited air circulation


- Review of public laws and regulations
- Know which constituents a safe breathing air contains
- How to make a gas measurement before entering
- Plan entry jobs and rescue operations in closed rooms
- Equipment knowledge
- Exercises in our training tank. We practice entry and use of fall protection equipment, rescue equipment, breathing air equipment and gas meter

Course code: TQ_017
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Social scientists have studied and designed leadership theories for decades to understand and explain how great leaders are made. They have compiled lists of leadership traits and constructed frameworks and models to illustrate the leadership phenomenon. And while these theories are detailed, thoroughly researched, and insightful, none provide “the” singular leadership model that works for every high-level manager aspiring to lead their team effectively and successfully.


What they do provide is an abundant source of leadership data that can be used to create your own flexible brand of leadership. Leaders face a wide range of tasks, responsibilities, and challenges—both anticipated and unexpected—every day.


Assembling a toolkit of leadership options that can address them is something smart leaders do. Let’s study the specifics of some core leadership theories and how you might use them in different business scenarios.


• Identify the Traits and Contingency theories

• Describe the Behavioral theory

• Explain the Transformational Leadership theory


Course code: TQ_013
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

How much time do you spend developing your leadership succession plan? As older leaders begin to retire at greater rates, the 2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey discovered that 65% of potential millennial leaders feel unprepared to take their places. Forbes reports that by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be made up of millennials. These statistics suggest that there’s a leadership crisis on the horizon. Designing a strategy and framework to direct leadership development is mission critical for every organization. Training—and retaining —emerging leaders in your company should be a top priority. Understanding what team members want and expect from an employer will help you develop the right programs and systems to keep your talent engaged in learning, growing, and contributing to your organization.


• Retain your talented resource   

• Design a leadership development framework   

• Create a culture of learning


Course code: TQ_016
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

In today’s corporate world, it is important for a leader to develop writing skill and create a personal brand. When you are able to write crisply and relevantly about topics you understand well, you will influence not only those in your organization but customers, industry peers, and potential clients too. Whether writing emails, business letters, online articles, or posting on social media, you have the ability to set yourself apart from other leaders if you can convey ideas in a way that clearly and powerfully persuades, motivates, or informs. In this lesson, you will learn how to plan, organize, and write business communications as well as create and manage your personal brand.


• Write clear and direct business communications 

• Build your personal brand

Course code: TQ_004
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The majority of meetings should be discussions that lead to decisions.

 -Patrick Lencioni 


An important part of planning a successful meeting is deciding who should attend the meeting. In the previous course, we have learned that less is more. Invite only those persons who are necessary to achieve the vision and are committed to getting the work completed. Similarly, it is equally important to define and assign specific roles and responsibilities to the team members attending the meeting. This is a critical part of pre-planning. Careful planning ahead of time will result in less resentment, less time wasted, better decisions, and greater ownership of the process by each member of the team.

• State the different roles played in a meeting 

• Determine the roles and responsibilities of a meeting leader

Course code: TQ_032
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Managers are often called to present to the groups of customers, cross-departmental teams, or in-house decision-makers. The process of crafting and delivering a presentation requires organizational skills, insight, technical abilities, and courage. Public speaking can be intimidating. But, by taking the time to methodically plan and execute the necessary details, you can be prepared and confident to deliver an effective presentation. This course will walk you through the steps you’ll need to plan and organize your topic, choose visual aids, consider technology tools, and practice delivering your speech. 


• Research, decide, and plan your presentation  

• Create a presentation with additional aid   

• Practice and make the presentation

Course code: TQ_028
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 MInutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Problems come in all shapes and sizes, and they are an inevitable part of business life. Instead of trying to avoid or ignore them, it’s better to accept them, find ways to solve them and learn from them. With the right perspective, problems can even be gateways to innovation. There are a variety of models and methods that can be used to identify, analyze, and implement effective solutions. In this lesson, we will look at a hybrid of the A3 model, 5 Whys, and Divergent/Convergent methods.


• Identify the eight steps of the A3 model  

• Assist your team in problem-solving


Course code: TQ_046
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The virtual interview can be a challenging and difficult process if you don’t prepare properly. You may face many challenges, such as technological, ambience related issues. However, to convene a successful interview, it is important to how to overcome these challenges. Branding your company is also one the challenges you may face when conducting virtual interview. Home setup throws various set of challenges, which one must overcome to have successful virtual interview. In this course, you will learn to overcome the challenges faced in conducting a successful virtual interview. 


• Identify the requisites of a pre-interview process

• List best practices while conducting interview virtually

• Identify post interview actionable



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