Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: TQ_050
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

As a leader, one of your main responsibilities is to find good talent, cultivate that talent, and inspire loyalty and motivation in those talented individuals. Providing employee development is a great way to mature your staff and ensure that they stay with the organization. In this course, you will learn to provide the employees with the development they seek, using an Individual Development Plan, which is also beneficial for your enterprise.


• List the benefits of the Individual Development Plan 

• Create an Individual Development Plan

Course code: KOL-026
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 11500,-

Kurset er i henhold til NS-EN- 1591-4. Kurset øker kompetansen og gir grunnleggende kunnskaper innen forberedelse, planlegging, utførelse og dokumentering av arbeid med boltetrekking av flensforbindelser på trykksatte systemer.


Kurset dekker følgende tabeller i NS-EN 1591-4:

Tabell 1: Foundation level training matrix.

Tabell 2: Training matrix for hydraulic tension tightening.

Tabell 3: Training matrix for hydraulic torque tightening.

Tabell 6: Training matrix for bolt load determination after assembly.

Tabell 7: Training matrix for compact flanges.

Tabell 8: Training matrix for clamp connectors

Tabell 9: Training matrix for special connector/flanges


Hensikt: Hensikten med kurset å forhindre skade på personell, miljø og utstyr. Dette kan forebygges ved å styrke kompetansen og øke forståelsen hos den enkelte.


This course is only available in Norwegian.

HLO/Søk & Redningslag kombinasjon - repetisjon

Course code: OSC1161
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: Not set

Oppdatere, vedlikeholde kunnskaper, ferdigheter og holdninger innen sin beredskapsfunksjon i eller relatert til søk og redningslag og HLO. Erfaringsoverføring helivakt og HLO.


Kurset er i hovedsak tillagt praktiske øvelser hvor brief og debrief er tillagt stor vekt.   

Taktisk lagarbeid. 



Værrapportering, kommunikajson og rutiner 

- Farlig gods 

- Flydrivstoff 

- Beredskapssituasjoner og normale operasjoner på helikopterdekk 

- Verneutstyr

Course code: WEC-010
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 12170,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelige kunnskaper om sikker bruk av personløftere, slik at ulykker ved bruk unngås.



F-2699 Statoil rev.

Course code: RVT-951
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 60 minutes
Language: English (US)
Price: GBP 30,-

The modern workplace is often thought of as a strictly professional, rational, logical environment. Cooperation is key--personal opinions and emotions must be put aside in the name of teamwork, which may be easier said than done! No one can expect to connect with fellow colleagues the way they do their own friends or family members. One crossed word or bad mood can damage corporate relations, sometimes irreparably. The uncertainty of the business environment of today, and resulting stress that follows only adds to the pressure workers feel in performing their level best. Feeling overworked and overwhelmed is natural in the workplace, especially when it comes to dealing with change.   The purpose of this course is to illustrate ways you can overcome the emotional barriers you may face in the workplace. This course will guide you through various exercises and give you tips to help you manage your emotions at work so you can perform to the best of your abilities.

Course code: HYT-003
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5800,-

The course is in accordance with NS-EN 1591-4 and undergoes the same course content as an ordinary four-day course but without the use of hydraulic torque tool and tensioning tools.

The use of a mechanical torque wrench is the main focus but also a review of procedures, flanges, gaskets, practical tasks and more.

The course ends with a theoretical and practical exam. If passed, the approval is valid for 5 years.

Courses are conducted in Stavanger or Bergen
and is carried out on request.

Course price NOK 5300, - pr. participant.

DP Induction

Course code: KOL-039
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 28 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


After the course, the successful participants are able to:

• Define the principles of DP
• Recognise the component parts of a DP system
• Understand the relationship between vessel movement  position reference systems, sensors, computers propulsion units and feedback
• Understand the concept of redundancy
• Understand the DP modes of control
• Describe the operation of sensors and common position reference systems
• Describe propulsion units, types and configurations
• Understand power supply, redundancy and management
• Practice communication and watch handover procedures


• Definition of DP, elements of the DP system, DP systems redundancy, and Class Requirements
• Functions of the DP system, and DP principles
• Different types of DP vessels and DP operations, sensors and use of sensor inputs
• Introduction to position reference systems and the DP system’s use of position measurements
• Vessel capability, DP consequence analysis and DP capability analysis
• Thrusters and manoeuvring systems
• Power systems and Blackout Prevention
• Operational procedures for DP operation, and procedures for operating the DP system
• Study of DP incidents
• Principal use of the DP system


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. During the course each participant will have his own operator station with generic DP software.


The DP Induction course is the first phase of the Nautical Institute (NI) DP Operator Certification Scheme. The course participants will be issued with the NI Dynamic Positioning Operator’s Log Book upon successful completion of the DP Induction Course.

This course is according to the system specific competence requirements in IMO STCW Regulations I/14 1.5, Part A-I/14 2.1.1, part B V/f 6 and IMCA M117.


A certificate accreditated by the Nautical Institute will be issued on succcessful completion of the course.

DP Sea Time Reduction

Course code: KOL-041
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 38 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


The period of supervised DP sea time days after the Simulator Course may be reduced by a maximum of 30 days by the satisfactory completion of an intensive DP Simulator Course.


• Study of DP incidents
• Construction and use of worksite diagrams, Electronic Charts and Vessel templates for use in DP operations
• Preparation of plans for a projected DP operation,contingency plans for expected deviations and emergencies
• Participation in simulated situations in a variety of DP operations while handling routine and emergency situations
• Risk and safety analysis, and defining DP equipmentclasses
• The DP system’s utilization of position


The participants will work with practical scenarios based on real operations, training on planning and executing specified operations under varying simulated conditions.

During the operations, typical DP failure modes will be included. Communication with field control, other vessels and the different departments onboard will be included. A rotation plan will be made for participants to act in different roles during the course.

The scenarios will be run on a K-POS DP system Class2, in a full mission simulator environment connected to an advanced simulator control (NI Class A).


The Sea Time Reduction Course reduces phase D of the Nautical Institute (NI) DP Operator Certification Scheme (watchkeeping experience). The course will be logged into the Nautical Institute DP Operator’s log book and reduce the Watchkeeping Experience requirements by 30 days


Certification of attendance will be issued on succcessful completion of the course.

DPO Revalidation

Course code: KOL-042
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Minimum of 34 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


By the end of the course the participants should:

• Have acquired knowledge of the latest rules and regulations
• Have acquired knowledge of the latest developments within sensors and Position Reference Systems (PRS)
• Have acquired knowledge of the latest relevant DP incidents and why they occurred
• Be able to recognize the various alarm, warning and information messages
• Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks
• Set up the DP system for a particular task/ operation
• Decide on courses of action because of system failure


The course is conducted as classroom training, combining theoretical presentation (Show-and Tell Lessons) and practical work/discussion with exercises in simulator and guidance (Stair-Step learning design). For practical capabilities and skills, exercises are performed in full equipped DP simulator. This course will fulfil the revalidation learning objectives as specified by Nautical institute.


At present (2016), the requiremets is that the holder of a Nautical Institute (NI) DPO certificate must revalidate their DPO certificates.

The requirement is that the DPO must have at least 150 days of DP sea time experience in the previous 5 years, if not NI DPO Revalidation course is needed.


A certificate acceditated by the Nautical Institute will be issued on succcessful completion of the course.

DPO Specialization Advanced Operations

Course code: KOL-043
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 32 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


This course is specifically designed for training future DPO’s on board a large number of offshore vessels.

The course aim to provide the candidates with knowledge and skills as preparation for DNV DPO Advanced Operations exams and certification.

By the end of course the students shall have:

• Acquired a thorough knowledge of the various types of DP operations such as ROV operations, cable laying pipe laying, trenching, dredging and rock-dumping
• The capability to operate the DP in the various modes associated with such operations, i.e. joystick,  auto pos mode, autotrack mode and follow target mode
• Recognize when environmental conditions or system failure  requires DPO to take action to avoid hazardous situations
• The  ability to carry out such operations according to existing operational guidelines and checklists
• The ability  to demonstrate good personal attitudes towards safety in operating DP vessels according to best practice in the industry


Planning,  briefing and de-briefing of various field exercises according to the existing guidelines, regulations, and industry standards. Repetition of necessary DP theory to close any knowledge gap the students may have in these subjects.


All DP  exercises will be carried out on a full scale DNV GL Approved DP Class A simulator, using vessels that are equipped according to DP class 2 and 3. The participants will perform both surface and subsea  operations, utilizing the following DP modes: Joystick, Autoposition, Autotrack and Follow target functionalities.


• DNV GL, Standard for Certification no. 0023
• DNV GL, Standard for Certification no. 0008
• DNV GL, RP-0007
• NMA 201209765-4/813.4.
• GOMO, Guidelines for offshore marine operations, Supply and Rig Move Operations and other relevant guidelines such as IMCA M-117 and other IMCA guidelines

A level test will be conducted before commencing the course.


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Course code: WBB-002
Course type: Course package
Duration: 7 Hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 99,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics.


Effective remote working requires greater self-control and discipline to avoid the boundaries between work and personal life becoming blurred. Research has shown that, in general, homeworkers tend to work longer than office workers and this increases with the use of technology. Homeworkers do benefit from greater working time autonomy, but how effectively this is applied depends on the discipline of the individual.


The ‘Effective Remote Working’ bundle includes 3 months access to 10 online courses and over 7 hours of eLearning.  


• Management of Change

• Lone Working (Employees)

• Smart Workplaces: Responsible Social Media for Team members

• Business Writing: E-Mail Techniques

• AEC Success: Effective Decision Making

• Webinars – Conducting a Web-based Presentation

• ABCs of Managing Time & Effort: The 80/20 Way

• Smart Time Management: 7 Steps to Regaining Control of Your Day

• 3-way Communication

• Smart Customer Service 3: Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Offshore loading Phase 1 w/DP Cap

Course code: KOL-052
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


This course aim to improve the participants knowledge, understanding and skills in the following overall learning objective(s):
• Obtain competence of forces involved, related to ship handling in general, and offshore loading in particular
• Obtain competence of planning and manual maneuvering in port, narrow waters and at offshore loading installations
• Obtain competence of the Equinor, Teekay and OGUK’s requirements for training of shuttle tanker personnel
• Improve skills in performing good Bridge Team Cooperation and communication
• Improve competence in use of all propulsion machinery, navigational equipment, steering systems and deck equipment involved


The course content aim to give the participants basic knowledge, understanding and skills of: • Ship handling
• Pivot point
• Propellers/rudders
• Thrusters
• Anchoring
• Waves/currents
• Tugs
• Squat/sink age/interaction
• ROT technique


The course is divided into modules and consists of totally nine theoretical lessons and eight selected simulator exercises. Participant learning progress is assessed by concurrent evaluation of it during both theory sessions and simulator exercises.


Certification of attendance will be issued on successful completion of the course.

K-Load LODIC Operator

Course code: KOL-058
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 15 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


After the course the participant is able to:
• Operate the system
• Understand the basic principles of stability
• Safe vessel operation and utilization of load capacity


Themes in the course are:
• Basic stability theory
• System setup and configuration
• Basic operation and understanding of the system
• Intact stability and utilization of vessel capacity
• Damage stability with emergency response


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. Each participant will use a PC with necessary software installed to do training cases. 


This course is done on a demo ship with a generic software.


Certificate of attendance will be issued upon completion of the course.

Course code: GWO-007
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6990,-

Hensikt: Grunnleggende overlevelsestrening for offshore vindindustri. 

Ved gjennomføring av Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST) vil delegatene ha en bevissthet om farene som oppstår når de arbeider i vind-industrien og hvordan man kontrollerer og reduserer disse farene.

Kursdeltakerne vil få (repetert) kunnskap og ferdigheter til å anerkjenne fordeler og begrensninger knyttet til livreddende utstyr og PVU samt korrekt bruk av dette i forbindelse med offshore vind. 

Hensikten med kurset er å gi deltakerne kunnskaper/oppfriskning om livreddende utstyr, GMDSS og SAR utstyr, hvordan en kollektivt kan øke sjansen til overlevelse i en nødsituasjon, hvordan entre og forlate vindturbiner, samt evakuering i nødsituasjoner. 

Kurset dekker krav til opplæring av personell og repetisjonskurs både land- og havvind iht:

- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Arbeidstilsynet (Forskrifter)

Kompetanse for «Sea Survival» skal vedlikeholdes iht. retningslinje i GWO standarden. Det skal gjennomføres repetisjonskurs hvert 2. år.

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: KOL-025
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3000,-

Kurset er i henhold til NS-EN- 1591-4. Kurset øker kompetansen og gir grunnleggende kunnskaper innen forberedelse, planlegging, utførelse og dokumentering av arbeid med boltetrekking av flensforbindelser på trykksatte systemer.

Kurset dekker følgende tabeller i NS-EN 1591-4:

Tabell 1: Foundation level training matrix.

Tabell 2: Training matrix for hydraulic tension tightening.

Tabell 3: Training matrix for hydraulic torque tightening.

Tabell 6: Training matrix for bolt load determination after assembly.

Tabell 7: Training matrix for compact flanges.

Tabell 8: Training matrix for clamp connectors

Tabell 9: Training matrix for special connector/flanges


Hensikt: Hensikten med kurset å forhindre skade på personell, miljø og utstyr. Dette kan forebygges ved å styrke kompetansen og øke forståelsen hos den enkelte.


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Redningsfarkoster og MOB-båter, STCW A-VI/2-1

Course code: NMA-016
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 days / 32 hours
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: Not set

Når kurset er fullført, skal deltakerene være i stand til å klargjøre livbåten, organisere ombordstigning, låre og frigjøre båten, manøvrere og lede operasjonen av livbåten på vannet. 

Regelverk / ansvarsforhold 

Utsetning- systemer for skip og rigg 

Nødkommunikasjon og aktuelt utstyr 

Utstyr i båt og flåte 

Livreddende førstehjelp 

Prosedyrer / alarminstruks 

Kommandoforhold / samarbeid 

Personlig vern og utstyr 

Praktisk øvelse under aktuelle båttype 

Opphold i båt 

Berge opp folk fra sjøen 

Snu en kantret redningsflåte iført redningsvest


Course code: STQ-012
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 1990,-

Objective: The purpose of the training is to provide users of work equipment mentioned in § 10-1 and 10-3 in «Regulations on the performance of work» (no. 1357), a good general basic training in the safe use of work equipment, so that accidents and accidents in connection with use is avoided.

The authorities set requirements for basic safety certification of persons who are to drive forklifts, mass transfer machines and cranes. The requirements include both theoretical and practical training. To complete the common theory, one must take and pass a theoretical exam.

Module 1.1 Working environment, responsibilities and consequences are common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, you can start right on module 2.3.


- Laws and regulations
- Working environment, responsibilities, and consequences
- Environmental
- Safety regulations
- Dangerous goods, marking and handling


Course code: TQ_022
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 MInutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Consistent business analysis is critical to a company’s short- and long-term success. Because the SWOT framework is such a simple, flexible, and powerful tool, organizations can use it to examine, plan, and implement business decisions and plans that range from incremental to comprehensive. By gathering a range of input from inside and outside the organization, your analysis will provide substantial, relevant, and objective data to guide your decision-making. Whether you’re planning new corporate-wide strategic goals or reviewing departmental processes, a well-executed SWOT analysis will enable you to focus on your strengths, diminish threats, and take advantage of identified business and market opportunities as you move forward.


• Describe SWOT Analysis   

• Conduct a SWOT Analysis   

• Create a SWOT Action Plan



Course code: TQ_033
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

"“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” 

-George Bernard Shaw 


Thanks to technology, we now have numerous ways to communicate with one another. Organizations depend on social media, texting, and tweeting in addition to emails to present themselves to all the stakeholders. These rapid-fire methods of communicating have changed how we speak, how we receive information, and how we interpret the information we’ve received. Sometimes, these speed-of-light methods of connecting can affect our communication skills. Have you ever wondered if the receiver received your communication correctly or not? Do you evaluate the messages you send? This course will help you with tricks to communicate effectively using electronic media.


• Judge whether your message is essential and timely 

• Draft short messages 

• Use tools and white spaces for flawless messages 

• Convey the gist of the message in the subject line 

• Make decisions on when to not send emails and when to reply promptly

Course code: TQ_026
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Defining your competitive edge, target market, and competition is just the first step to gaining more market share in your industry or niche. This is an ongoing process. You must continuously research, review, and revise these three factors in order to maintain your edge. Use your research alongside a competitive strategy to drive internal and external efforts through marketing, corporate culture, training, hiring, research, operations, customer service, messaging, leadership, and more. Defining and leveraging your unique competitive edge is the key to market success.


• Define your competitive edge    

• Define your target market and identify your competition    

• Practice the strategies for building your competitive edge


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