Oil and Gas

Course catalogue

Course code: TQ_112
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The principles that determine how a person reacts in a certain situation define that person’s workplace ethics. It is also defined as the belief that states hard work and integrity showing moral benefit adds strength to human character. It is a set of values centered on the importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard.    

Workplace ethics ensures honesty, respecting the code of conduct, exhibiting good conduct, and strong moral principles.


• Identify the elements to establish the structure of ethical behavior   

• Enlist values to set the tone of cementing trust    

• Identify ways to reward ethical behavior at the workplace



Course code: BVS-016
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general overview of the MARPOL requirements concerning the protection against oil pollution from machinery spaces.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the means for control of discharge of oil residues and the requirements for oil filtering equipment and 15 ppm alarm.

Get familiar with the Oil Record Book, SOPEP booklet and the required drills.

Know the details of MARPOL surveys and the certificates to be issued.

Know the most common PSC deficiencies related to MARPOL Annex I.


History of MARPOL Convention

Survey and certification

Sludge tanks

Oil fuel tank protection

Standard discharge connection

Oil filtering equipment: 

o Bilge water waste system

o Oily water separator

o Piping system

o Documentation

Control of discharge of oil

Oil record book

Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan

Scope of the different surveys required

PSC inspection and most common deficiencies


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of MARPOL Oil Pollution from Machinery Spaces, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of MARPOL Oil Pollution from Machinery Spaces is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course describes the classification and statutory certification processes and provides an overview of the class and statutory surveys.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the classification process and get familiar with classification terms, definitions and rules.

Understand the process of Statutory Certification and get familiar with Statutory Certification terms.

Know the scope of Classification and Statutory Certification


Module 1 – Classification

History of classification

History of Bureau Veritas

Classification Societies and IACS


Scope of classification: Classification tasks, responsibilities of other parties, classification certificate, request for intervention, surveyor's intervention, operation and maintenance of ships, flag and port state control inspections 

Classification notations: Class symbols, construction marks, service notations, navigation and operating area notations, additional class notations

Classification process: Assignment of class for new buildings, classification after construction, class reassignment, maintenance of class

General principles of surveys: Survey procedure, definitions, survey preparation and conditions for surveys, terminology

Survey types: Class renewal surveys, other periodical surveys, occasional surveys

Suspension and withdrawal of class

Scope of surveys: Annual surveys, intermediate survey, class renewal survey, bottom survey, tailshaft survey, boiler survey

Module 2 – Statutory Certification

History of statutory conventions


International conventions: SOLAS, COLREG, Load Lines, MARPOL, AFS, BWM 

Recognitions and authorisations


Statutory surveys

Periodicity of statutory surveys

Survey findings

Types of statutory certificates

Issuance of statutory certificates


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of Introduction to Class and Statutory Surveys awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to Class and Statutory Surveys, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Course code: AST-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 595,-

The IEMA Foundation course provides staff with a solid knowledge of the environment, sustainability, and governance principles relevant to organizations.  It covers specific management tools and skills with a practical application for the workplace to enable staff to improve performance.


Develop the knowledge and skills to help improve sustainability and environmental performance

Learn practical skills to help reduce the impacts of the organization on the environment


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Understand business, governance, and environmental principles and their relationship with organizations, products, and services

• Ensure compliance with major environmental policy and legislation 

• Implement specific tools, techniques, systems, and practices to improve sustainability performance

• Collect data, perform analysis and evaluate information to provide sustainable solutions

• Implement change and transformation to improve sustainability


Course code: EXT-011
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 6000,-

This is a course for electrical installations in potentially explosive areas.

Our goal is to make sure that employees are motivated to work safely and securely.



• Understand the general principles of type of specific protection and correct labeling of components approved in intrinsically safe facility (IS)

• Current Exi Standard

• Could choose to install the correct Exi equipment in hazardous areas accordance with IEC 60079-14 standards and 60079-25

• How to work safely with IS

• Requirements for competence to perform work on Exi installations

• How to verify and calculate an Exi circuit



• NEK EN 60079-11

• NEK EN 60079-14

• NEK EN 60079-25

• IEC 60079-11

• IEC 60079-14

• IEC 60079-25


This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: TQ_019
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

As a person at a leading position, have you ever assessed your effectiveness as a coach? Although, coaching your team is the most underrated roles you play, it is the most important role too. This course addresses the five strategies used by effective coaches. Assess your skills against these five strategies and enhance your abilities to sharpen your coaching skills.


• Listen more to your team and talk less 

• Provide timely feedback to your team 

• Set up your team to win 

• Cheer your team 

• Provide your team with the right resources

Redningsfarkoster og MOB-båter, STCW A-VI/2-1 - Oppdatering

Course code: NMA-009
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day / 8 hours
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: Not set

Minstekrav til kompetanse for redningsfarkoster og mann-overbord-båter unntatt hurtiggående mann-overbord-båter. STCW tabell A-VI/2-1



Lede, sjøsette og betjene båt og utstyr. 

Organisere og lede evakuering fra skip ved hjelp av redningsfarkost. 

Klargjøre livbåten, organisere ombordstigning, låre og frigjøre båten, manøvrere og lede operasjonen av livbåten på vannet. 

Metoder for å starte og betjene motor med tilbehør på redningsfarkost sammen med bruk av farkostens brannslokkingsapparat.   


Metode for helikopterredning.

Course code: VTK-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3900,-

Only in Norwegian

Hovedformålet med kurset er å skape gode holdninger til bruk av riktig verneutstyr, og forhindre at liv og helse går tapt.

Etter kurset skal deltakerne kunne:
- Kjenne til virkemåte og oppbygningen til ulike typer pusteluftkompressorer og pusteluftsystem
- Kjenne til hvilke bestanddeler sikker pusteluft inneholder
- Bruke åndedrettsvern på en trygg og sikker måte
- Utføre daglig renhold/vedlikehold på hodesett og bæresele
- Kjennskap til forskrift 706, kap. 10 og standardene NS-EN-14593, NS-EN 14594 og EN 12021
- Kjenne til kvalitetssikring av pusteluft, målemetoder og utstyr
- Kjenne til hvilke flasker, seler og hodesett som brukes til pusteluft
- Kjenne til farer og utfordringer ved arbeid i miljøer uten sikker pusteluft, og vite hva han/hun selv kan gjøre for å ivareta egen sikkerhet

Kurset inneholder oppgaver og praktiske øvelser.

Course code: WEC-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4900,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er å gi deltakerne generelle kunnskaper og ferdigheter som «kompetent person» i periodisk kontroll av ass. fallsikringsutstyr.

Course code: WEC-012
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10910,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelige kunnskaper om sikker bruk av traverskraner, slik at ulykker ved bruk unngås.


Modul 2.7 - 3.7 - 4.7

DPO Start

Course code: KOL-046
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 32 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


By the end of the course the students should have achieved:

• Thorough knowledge  of the practical aspects of DP Operations
• Capability  to plan and conduct any DP Operation, including risk assessment, contingency planning and assessment of vessel capability
• Ability to undertake any operation with due regard to all circumstances of seamanship and operational requirements
• Ability to react correctly to any circumstances which constitute  or could lead to a catastrophic failure


• Study of DP incidents
• Construction  and use of work site diagrams, charts and vessel templates for use in DP operations
• Preparation  of plans for a projected DP operation, contingency plans for expected deviations and emergencies
• Participation  in simulated situations in a variety of DP operations while handling routine and emergency situations
• Risk  and safety analysis, and defining DP equipment classes
• The  DP system’s utilisation of position measurements,and tests on position reference systems.  


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. The  participants will work with practical scenarios based on real operations, training on planning and executing specified operations under varying simulated conditions, including emergency handling on DNVGL Class A or B approved simulators.


• IMCA M 117
• IMO MSC Circ.738
• DNV GL RP 0007
• DNV GL ST 0023


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

DPO Certification Exam Shuttle Tanker

Course code: KOL-049
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day (Theoretical ...
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


This exam tests the skills and competence of a DPO against the requirements given in the competence standard DNV-GL Notation AJ/DPA-WV.

The examination is a thorough test to cover the most important competences for DPO’s irrespective of type of vessel, trade or activity. The test measures how well operation of equipment, duties and tasks are performed, all in compliance with relevant international, national and local regulations and requirements.


The test center will upon receipt of the application formsend a notification containing the following:

• Exam date and time
• Exam place
• Terms & conditions
• Recertification requirements
• DNV GL standard for certification ST-0023
• Standard for certification 0032, Appendix A: Examination regulations
• Time schedule for examination


• DNV GL Standard for certification ST-0032 - Test centre for certification of personnel
• DNV GL standard for certification ST-0033 - Maritime simulator systems
• DNV GL standard for certification ST-0023 - Competence of Dynamic Positioning Operators

Course code: KOL-023
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 1 day
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5200,-

Kurset gir en grunnleggende innføring i høytrykkslanger og kuplinger og er et naturlig grunnlag for drifts- og vedlikeholdspersonell som skal foreta inspeksjon og vedlikehold på høytrykksutstyr der slanger inngår som kritiske faktorer i systemet.

Kunne utføre forebyggende inspeksjoner og vedlikehold i henhold til etablerte prosedyrer og leverandørens bruksanvisninger, kunne registrere uregelmessigheter som f.eks høy temperatur, lekkasjer i slanger og kuplinger.


Etter kurset skal deltagerne ha tilegnet seg kunnskap om høytrykkslanger og kuplinger for å kunne foreta visuell inspeksjon og kontroll for å ivareta sikkerheten, avdekke eventuelle lekkasjer slik at uønskede hendelser ikke oppstår.


Standarder og retningslinjer ( TR 1803 )

Merking og dokumentajon 

Sikkerhetskrav / HMS ved bruk av slanger og kuplinger 

Tabeller for slanger og kuplinger med oppbygning og forståelse 

Inspeksjon og kontroll av slanger


Bruk av Hose, Dats Sheet

Vedlikeholdskonsept for slanger og kuplinger

Visuel inspeksjon. Gjenger, kuplinger og slanger

 Feil- og degraderingsmekanismer

 Slangelære inkl. Installasjonsgeometri

 Håndtering og oppbevaring av slanger

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: WBB-001-12
Course type: Course package
Duration: 9 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 300,-

With COVID-19 meaning that home working is no longer an option but a necessity for many, what are the potential side effects on our health and work performance. Employers may need to provide additional training to ensure appropriate supervision and work behaviours. These include remote technology, communication skills development, time management and ergonomics. 


Maintaining health and well-being while working from home encompasses many areas, including ergonomics, preventing feelings of isolation and effectively managing stress. Studies have found that more than half of people working from home had not paid any attention to ergonomics, and 94% of them reported that neither had their employers. Almost half of remote workers have experienced work-related pains. One of the most problematic aspects of home working is the isolation and the lack of access to day-to-day informal interactions. While remote working enables greater autonomy, it also leads to higher levels of work intensity. The ‘24/7’ availability for work can result in family conflict and stress. Key areas to promote a positive work-family interface include the parental ability to cope with children and amicable resolutions of conflict about working hours, household work and personal time in the family.


The ‘Healthy Home Working’ bundle includes 3 month access to 12 online courses and over 9 hours of eLearning.


• Stress Awareness

• Working Time Limits and Fatigue Management

• Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

• Ergonomics

• Health and Safety for Home Workers (Employees)

• Medicine Awareness

• Smart Health: Sleeping – How to Ensure You Are Well-Rested & Energized

• Smart Mental Health: Managing Anger and Emotions

• Smart Mental Health: Keys to Successful Parenting

• Smart Health: Drinking Responsibly

• Smart Mental Health: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

• Smart Mental Health: Mastering Marriage

DPO Preparation

Course code: KOL-045
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 32 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


At the end of the course, the aim is that the participant should have acquired knowledge of the principles of Dynamic Positioning.

• Set up a dynamic positioning system and have an understanding of the practical operation of associated equipment including position referencing systems
• Recognise and respond to the various alarms, warning and information messages
• Relate the DP installation to the ship’s system e.g. power supply, manoeuvring facility, available position referencing systems and nature of work
• Relate DP Operations to the existing environmental conditions of wind, sea state, current and vessel movement


• Definition of DP, elements of the DP system, DP systems redundancy, and Class Requirements
• Functions of the DP system, and DP principles
• Different types of DP vessels and DP operations, sensors and use of sensor inputs
• Introduction to position reference systems and the DP system’s use of position measurements
• Vessel capability, DP consequence analysis and DP capability analysis
• Thrusters and manoeuvring systems
• Power systems and Blackout Prevention
• Operational procedures for DP operation, and procedures for operating the DP system
• Study of DP incidents
• Principal use of the DP system


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. During the course each participant will have his own operator station with generic DP software.


IMCA Guidelines IMCA M 117, IMO MSC Circ. 738 and DNV GLST- 0023-2014-04.


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Course code: ALT-008
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian - Exam avail ...
Price: From NOK 17300,-

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack on driller level (Level 3).

This course includes all subjects needed to prepare candidates for the rotary drilling well control exam, surface and subsea BOP stack at supervisor level (Level 4).

A printed course manual and exercise book is provided for all attendees. The IWCF exam is included in the course.

The course has been made on basis of the recommendations for enhancements to well control training, issued by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP).

Course Content

- Kick prevention

- Shut in procedures

- Well control methods

- Kill sheet calculations

- Practical simulator training

- Circulation methods

- Practical simulator assessment

- IWCF written exam on the last day (Friday)

Please note! The course is in Norwegian, however you have the option to select the exam language to be English

Course code: KON-002
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: Norwegian and English
Price: From NOK 20000,-

This course is a mandatory retraining course according to NORSOK R003 to provide G5 crane operators with knowledge, understanding and skills in emergency situations of crane operations. The course includes in-depth exercises on a full scale DNV GL Class A crane simulator, supported by a program of lectures and instruction.

The course can be adapted to suit company specific needs, i.e. by using company specific loading/unloading procedures.

The course will enable the participants to handle normal  as well as critical operations i.e.

- Communication
- Planning
 -Use of crane emergency equipment
- Various lift operations under pressure
- Choice of correct actions if unwanted incidents occur



- Laws and regulations 
- The safety functions of the crane 
- The safe operation of offshore cranes
- Human factors


Simulator exercises: 

- Operational limitations of crane operations 
- Communication during crane operations 
- Preparation and planning of crane operations 
- Internal transport on the installation 
- Loading and unloading supply vessels 
- Transport of personnel 
- Crane operation on various installations (fixed/floating)

Course code: STQ-014
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7990,-

Objective: The purpose of the training is to provide the prospective winch operator with a good theoretical basic training in the safe use of winches with associated equipment.

The training gives participants good insight into the principles of electric, pneumatic and hydraulically driven winches' design, operation, use and maintenance, so that accidents in connection with winch operations are avoided.


• Introduction

• Construction and operation

• Name of components

• Certification, marking

• Coil devices, safety equipment

• General safety rules and emergency procedures

• Correct and incorrect use of winches

• Restrictions on use

• Inspection, maintenance and disposal rules for winches, wire ropes, blocks, etc.

• Theoretical exam

Course code: TQ_011
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

If you always do what you always did,  you will always get what you always got

- Albert Einstein 


Innovation by itself is a challenging and draining process. The unpredictability of the results of innovation adds to the stress of the innovator or innovation teams. Combining the task of innovation with a predictable process helps ease out the difficulties. This lesson focuses on the six areas which can be included in your innovation plan framework that will help you conduct the innovative team building activities in a constructive manner. You will also be in a position to identify the innovation roles and appoint the right persons to promote a flawless innovation process. Organizations that innovate new concepts using the correct framework and processes can ensure consistent industry growth. Take this lesson to learn about building innovation teams.

• Identify the six areas to include in your innovation framework 

• Describe and assign innovation roles to persons in the organization 

• Build innovation teams that drive success

Course code: TQ_051
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The simplest definition of diversity is “a range or variety of different things”. In the context of D&I, diversity refers to “the traits and characteristics that make people unique” which include (but are not limited to) race, ethnicity, age, gender, socio-economic class, ability, sexual orientation, and nationality. The summation of these variables combine to create life experiences which shape how a person solves problems, creates, and assesses risk. These are examples of “diversity of thinking” which yields direct and indirect benefits that are foundational to the business case for investments in D&I initiatives.


An inclusive environment is one in which “all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, feel welcome, have equal access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization’s success".


• What you need to know before you create an anti-racism strategy?

• How to successfully support your strategy for combating institutional racism? 

• What are key steps for successful diversity programs? 


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