Oil and Gas

Course catalogue



Course type

Course provider

  • BVS eAcademy
Course code: BVS-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides a general introduction to dynamic positioning systems, which are computer-controlled systems that automatically maintain the vessel's position and heading by using their propellers and thrusters. 


On completion of the training, students will be able to: 

Get familiar with dynamic positioning systems. 

Know the main components of dynamic positioning systems, equipment used and installation. 

Know the Class requirements in terms of surveys and tests of dynamic positioning systems 



Characteristics and scope of DP systems 


Equipment class 

Classification notations 

System configuration: power system, thruster system, control system, position reference systems, computer system, display system 


o Redundant systems 

o System failures 

o Redundancy concept 

o Terms 

o Single fault tolerance 


Design environment 

Essential non-DP systems 

Performance analysis 

Operational requirements 

System components 

o Power system 

o Thruster system 

o DP control system 

o Position reference system: acoustical, taut-wire and other reference systems 

Scope of DP surveys 

o Inspections at works 

o Surveys during construction, tests and trials 

o Surveys during operation: Annual and Renewal surveys, operational test, Occasional surveys


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of Introduction to DP System awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to DP System, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Course code: BVS-036
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course is based on the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea - 1972, (COLREG 72), which aims at determining the signalling system requirements for safe navigation.


On completion of the training, students will be able to: Get familiar with steering and sailing rules. Understand the meaning and the positioning of navigation lights. Know the requirements of the Convention concerning lights, shapes and sound signals.


Application and responsibilities


Steering and sailing rules

o Conduct of the vessel in any conditions of visibility

o Conduct of the vessel in sight of one another

o Conduct of the vessel in restricted visibility

Lights and shapes

o Technical specification of lights

o Technical specification of shapes

o Definitions

o Visibility of lights

o Applicability: power-driven vessels, towing and pushing, sailing vessels, fishing vessels, vessels not under command, vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, vessels constrained by their draught, anchored vessels and vessels aground

Sound and light signals

o Whistle

o Bell

o Gong

o Vessel equipment for sound signals

o Manoeuvring and warning signals

o Sound signals in restricted visibility


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of COLREG awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of COLREG, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.