
Course catalogue

Course code: TQ_066
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Leadership education is an ongoing process. Your success will increase when you invest time in studying leadership models and characteristics, reading about great leaders, putting your knowledge into practice, and then evaluating the results. It takes different skills and abilities to successfully lead small and large teams. In this course, you will get familiarized with many advantages and disadvantages, as well as the best practices to be adopted to lead small and large teams successfully.


• Identify the strengths and challenges of large and small groups

• Examine the best practices for leading small teams

• Examine the best practices for leading large teams


Course code: TQ_078
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Over 50 years ago, a social psychologist Douglas McGregor of MIT published a book outlining his research of two contrasting management styles: Theory X and Theory Y.  

He argued that Theory X, based on hierarchy and power, was an outdated authoritarian “top-down” way of managing people. Theory Y, he proposed, was an improved, alternative method of management, one that was more participative and synergistic.

• Define Theory X and Y management styles 

• Describe Theory X and Y from the management’s and worker’s perspective 

• Differentiate between Theory X and Theory Y managerial styles

Course code: TQ_091
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Sales effectiveness is the process of identifying and utilizing the right sales activities to generate the best sales outcomes. Your definition of a successful sale will depend upon your product, service, corporate goals, and objectives. Companies measure their effectiveness in a variety of ways: increased profit, new product sales, or shortened sales cycle. Successful sales organizations share a commitment to defining, measuring, and optimizing all of the components of their sales process in order to consistently achieve strategic goals. 


• Build an effective sales process   

• Measure your sales process  

• Practice the customer-centric sales approach

Course code: TQ_108
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

 -Colin Powell 


A new methodology for innovation, “Trystorming” is a combination of “Brainstorming” and “Trying” something practically. This lesson highlights the difference between brainstorming and trystorming, and provides the guidelines for where and when it can be used. Trystorming is a practical approach to innovating by focusing on practically trying or experimenting within reasonable limits to understand the efficacy of an idea before implementing it fully. Take this lesson to pick up the basics of trystorming and lead innovations in your organization.

• Explain what is trystorming 

• Know the difference between trystorming and brainstorming 

• Describe the guidelines for trystorming and where it can be used

Course code: VTC-015
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

The global threat of kidnap and extortion is a cause of concern for governments, law enforcement agencies and communities around the world. Many international businesses adhere to the 'duty of care' principle by providing their employees who travel regularly on business with anti-kidnap awareness training such as our CPD Approved, online Anti-Kidnap Awareness Training (AKAT) Course. This assists in the risk mitigation of a kidnap-type event by providing the learner with an in-depth insight into the levels of awareness required to maintain a 'safe environment'.


The Anti-Kidnap Awareness Training eLearning Course is aimed at those persons who either work- or live-in environments where the threat of abduction is high or are potential targets of such acts. 


This course has been written by subject matter experts hailing from UK Elite Military Units, highly experienced at operating in high-risk environments for Private Security & Private Military Companies (PSC & PMC). 


Course code: VTC-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: GBP 30,-

It is important that a ship can demonstrate compliance with the ISPS Code through the provision of an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC), or in circumstances where there is an obvious security failing; otherwise, difficulties may be experienced at ports of call-in relation to the Port State Control Authorities. For this reason, this course is intended to align UK flagged cargo ships with the UK Department for Transport Maritime Security (formerly TRANSEC) with UK flagged passenger ships and port facilities, and to help in the generation of practical and sustainable regimes that balance the security of the ship with the wellbeing of the crew.

The course conforms to CSSI guidelines provided by the UK Department for Transport Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), which specifies the baseline protective security measures to be taken by ships at all ports around the world and at each of the Security Levels, and aims to ensure consistent, proportionate, and practical measures are in place.

The UK Department for Transport (formerly TRANSEC) and The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) have responsibility to ensure the safety of port facility and cargo/freight & passenger ship security, within a policy framework demanded by international maritime legislation and codes outlined in SOLAS Chapter X1-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.


This applies to the following types of ships engaged on international voyages:

• Passenger ships, including high-speed craft.

• Cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.

• Mobile offshore drilling units as defined in Regulation XI-2/1.1.5. (SOLAS)



The course can be used as an intrinsic part of an organisation's overall risk management and has been created to advise and educate senior personnel, senior officers, and specific security personnel in the application of security measures contained in UK Flagged Cargo Ship Security Plans (SSPs) at the different Security Levels.


Course code: VTC-019
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 40,-

Just about everyone knows that young people just love to travel. It is a means of expressing themselves, discovering who they are, and a fantastic means of exposing them to different cultures, societies, and ways of life. It is also common knowledge that there are, and always will be inherent risks that accompany young people whilst they are travelling away from the security of family and home. For example, in Australia, more than 38,000 people go missing each year. Whilst most of these are located within a short time period, there remain as many as 2,600 missing for more than 3 months.

The Online Travel Security Awareness for Students & Young People Overseas Course has been specifically written for young people travelling or working overseas during gap years, student exchange programmes, working with NGO's and Charities or simply backpacking around the world. 

The course covers most areas that need to be considered in order to assist in the mitigation of the risk of a security-related incident. The course also covers topics relevant to safety issues, including emergency response planning and measures. Learners should understand that this course cannot guarantee you a risk-free experience, but it will build on your current personal security knowledge and risk mitigation skills.

Course code: NMA-004
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 10700,-

Only in Norwegian

Kurset dokumenterer at skipsoffiserer (dekk og maskin) har gjennomført godkjent oppdateringskurs (IMO80) minst hvert femte år.

Deltakerne skal etter endt kurs kunne

- Ta kommandoen over en redningsfarkost eller mann-overbord-båt under og etter utsetting (Tabell VI/2-1) 
- Lede brannslokningsoperasjoner om bord på skip (Tabell VI/3) 
- Gi førstehjelp omgående i tilfelle av ulykke eller sykdom om bord (Tabell VI/4-1) 
- Gi medisinsk behandling av syke og skadde mens de er om bord. Delta i samordnede opplegg for medisinsk bistand til skip (Tabell VI/4-2)


- Medisinsk førstehjelp for maskinoffiserer
- Medisinsk behandling for dekksoffiserer
- Ledelse av brannslokking
- Bruk av redningsfarkoster

Praktiske øvelser

- Dag 1: Medisinsk behandling for dekksoffiserer

- Dag 1: Medisinsk førstehjelp for maskinoffiserer
- Dag 2: Brannledelsesteori, brannøvelser og røykdykking med pressluftapparater
- Dag 3: Redningsteori og mønstring og redningsøvelser med redningsfarkoster

Course code: VTC-003
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 60,-

Worldwide incidents of Cyber Attack on shipping are rising dramatically every year, and vessel vulnerability to these attacks is also on the increase - as systems become more and more automated and connected. Whether carrying cargo, passengers or vehicles, ships are becoming more dependent on the use of digital and communications technologies throughout their operational lifespans. As shipping systems become more and more complex, so does their vulnerability to attacks from cyber criminals, who have demonstrated the ability to penetrate the systems used by the maritime industry, with potentially disastrous consequences to life, property, and the environment.


The ‘Cyber Security Awareness for Vessels' course examines the Cyber Security threats that exist, both generally and specifically within the maritime environment. The course examines the weaknesses that there may be in ship IT and OT systems, and how they may be exploited - and then goes on to look at the measures that can be taken to mitigate and defend against these types of threats.

Course code: VTC-016
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 3 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

Attacks against Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in high-risk conflict zones have increased exponentially over the last two decades. NGOs increasingly work in the field, providing humanitarian relief and development assistance in countries around the world. As they carry out their work, they face many serious problems. Governments or rebel groups deny them access to those in need, corrupt officials or warlords demand payoffs, and local violence threatens the safety and even the lives of field personnel.

Course code: STQ-013
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 9490,-

Objective: The main goal is to provide personnel who are to perform the roles of signal transmitter, signalers and deck operator with sufficient knowledge of handling and transport of dangerous goods and hazardous waste, to be able to identify hazards and risks when handling this type of cargo, in such a way that unwanted incidents are avoided.

Safe handling and transport of dangerous goods and hazardous waste requires knowledge of hazards and risks, regulations, correct execution and safe practice during treatment and transport.


The learning process leading up to a certificate of competence is carried out to contribute to safe lifting operations, as well as to document the necessary knowledge and skills in accordance with requirements laid down in national regulations and standards.

After completion, participants must be able to identify hazards, risks, causes and consequences of accidents with dangerous goods and hazardous waste.

Participants will also be familiar with restrictions, requirements, classifications, identification, packaging, marking, documentation and handling of dangerous goods and waste.

Course code: BVS-005
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course describes the inclining test and lightweight measurement procedures. Inclining test is a test performed on a ship to determine her stability, lightship weight and the coordinates of her centre of gravity. The test is applied to newly constructed ships greater than 24 metres in length, and to ships altered in ways that could affect stability.


On completion of the training, students will be able to: 

Get familiar with the stability of vessels at sea. 

Know the forces involved in the movement of ships. 

Know the types of inclination and equilibrium. 

Understand how and when to perform an inclining test or lightweight check. 

Know the precautions to be taken to perform or witness such tests


Intact stability 

o Introduction to stability and trim 

o Transverse intact stability 

o Characteristics of GM 

o Free surface effect 

o Trim and stability booklet 

Inclining experiment 

o Test description 

o The general condition of the ship 

o Inclining weights 

o Pendulums 

o Means of communication 

o Documentation 

o Inclining test procedures 

o Acceptance and exemptions 

Lightweight measurement 

o Test description 

o Lightweight measurement procedures 

Precautions to be taken to perform or witness these tests


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

o Certificate of Inclining Test and Lightweight Measurement awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Inclining Test and Lightweight Measurement, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination. 

Course code: BVS-022
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides an overview of the Radiographic Testing (RT) method for non-destructive examination of materials and welding, its objectives and principles.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the basic physical principles of radiographic testing.

Know the testing procedure and the inspection process referred to the equipment and films used.

Differentiate applications and the acceptance criteria applied.

Get familiar with the purpose of reference accessories to ensure the image quality and the quality of test performance in general.



Basic principle

o Radiation

o Films

o Radiographic image quality

Equipment and testing materials

o Radiation sources

o Film systems

o Image quality indicators

o Film viewing equipment

Testing procedure

o Selection of testing parameters

o Test arrangements

o Film processing

o Film evaluation

Applications and acceptance criteria

o Scope

o Weld inspection

o Indications

o Acceptance criteria

o Test report

Reliability, quality of test results

o Test performance

o Film viewing

o Film examination

o NDT personnel competence

o Safety aspects


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of NDT – Radiographic Testing, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of NDT – Radiographic Testing is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-031
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 580,-


This training course covers the requirements of SOLAS Convention concerning the safety equipment of cargo ships. It includes the documentation required on board, life-saving appliances, firefighting equipment, the safety of navigation, safety equipment in general and additional requirements for tankers.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Know the documentation required to be available on board and understand the requirements of the STCW Convention for safe manning crew members. 

Understand the requirements concerning personal life-saving appliances, survival crafts, rescue boats, and launching and recovery arrangements.

Understand the requirements for fire protection, fire detection and fire extinguishing systems, and get familiar with the specific requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods.

Know what are the navigational equipment and appliances required to ensure the safety of navigation and get familiar with other safety equipment required on board.

Understand the additional requirements applicable for tankers and get familiar with inert gas systems


Module 1 – Documentation on Board

Module 2 – Life-Saving Appliances

Module 3 – Fire Fighting Equipment

Module 4 – Safety of Navigation

Module 5 – Safety in General

Module 6 – Additional Requirements for Tankers


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of SOLAS Safety Equipment, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of SOLAS Safety Equipment is obtained after completing the course and passing the online test.

DPO Experience

Course code: KOL-047
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 38 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


The objective of this course is to give the trainee DPOs as much hands-on experience as possible in the time available. This is achieved by running the candidates through intensive simulator training whilst being exposed to environmental and technical worst case scenarios. This will increase the candidate’s operational skills and knowledge in DP Operations.


• All the exercises are carried out on a full scale ship simulator
• DP operations planning and watch keeping procedures
• Handling of position reference systems
• Handling of various propulsion systems
• Repetition of various theoretical topics from the DPO
• Preparation and DPO Start courses upon request from course participants


This course is designed to give the trainee DPO extensive hands-on training in the use of the DP in a number of varied worst case scenarios. Candidates for the DPO Experience volume training course must have completed the DPO Preparation and the DPO Start courses, or be able to document equivalent competence.


This course is designed to give the trainee DPO extensive hands-on training in the use of the DP in a number of varied worst case scenarios. Candidates for the DPO Experience volume training course must have completed the DPO Preparation and the DPO Start courses, or be able to document equivalent competence.


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Shiphandling STS Phase 1

Course code: KOL-055
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 33 Hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


This  course aim to provide knowledge, understanding and skills to conduct a safe and professional ship to ship (STS) transfer operations of crude oil, petroleum products, chemicals and liquefied gases, both at sea and in port.


• Introduction to STS
• Operation personnel
• STS Operation Procedure and Check Lists
• Interaction
• Communication
• Fenders
• Mooring
• External Forces
• Anchoring
• STS incidents


The  course consists of totally nine theoretical lessons and nine selected simulator exercises. Participant  learning progress assessed by concurrent evaluation during both theory sessions and simulator exercises.


OCIMF - Ship to ship transfer guide


Certification of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Course code: GWO-005
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 3950,-

Basic first aid for the wind industry.

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.

The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

 - Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "First Aid" must be maintained in accordance with. guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.


Norwegian only

DP Simulator

Course code: KOL-040
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 28 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


After the course, the successful participants are able to:

• Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks
• Set up the DP system for a particular task
• Operate the communications
• Analyse the trends
• Discuss systems failures
• Decide on courses of action because of systems failures
• React to alarms and printer readout
• Initiate DP Alert status alarms
• React to all events occurring
• Operate the desk under normal and pressured conditions
• Practice effective teamwork
• Apply the lessons learned to date


• Study of DP incidents
• Construction and use of work site diagrams, charts and vessel templates for use in DP operations
• Preparation of plans for a projected DP operation, contingency plans for expected deviations and emergencies
• Participation in simulated situations in a variety of DP operations while handling routine and emergency situations
• Risk and safety analysis, and defining DP equipment classes
• The DP system’s utilization of position measurements, and tests on position reference systems


The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. The participants will work with practical scenarios based on real operations, training on planning and executing specified operations under varying simulated conditions, including emergency handling


The DP Simulator course is phase C of the Nautical Institute (NI) DP Operator Certification Scheme.

The course will be entered into the NI Dynamic  Positioning Operator’s Log Book.


A certificate acceditated by the Nautical Institute will be issued on succcessful completion of the course.

Course code: STQ-002
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 5990,-

Objective: The purpose of the course is to provide forklift drivers with a good theoretical basic training in the safe use of forklifts, so that accidents in connection with forklift driving are avoided.

Module 1.1 - Basic theoretical module
Module 2.2 -Forklift theory
Module 3.2 - Basic practice forklift.

The course is primarily aimed at future users of forklifts. But anyone who is involved with cargo handling and forklifts in risk analysis and work management can also benefit from the course.

The course is conducted with Norwegian-language teachers and teaching materials in accordance with legislation and regulations, as well as recognized curricula for module-based training.

The forklift driver training consists of four modules:

- Module 1.1 working environment, responsibilities and consequences. *
- Module 2.2 G4 bridge and overhead crane
- Module 3.2 Basic practical training forklift 
- Module 4.2 Practical driving training forklift
- Practical Final test in each forklift type T1-T4

* Module 1.1 is common to machine, forklift and crane. If you can document that you have module 1.1 from before that is not older than 3 years, let us know.

Module 4.2 can be completed in a company using a sponsorship arrangement. If you do not have the opportunity to do so, you can participate in one of STQ's practice courses.


- Safety training, laws, regulations
- Forklift types
- Electric forklift - construction
- Stability
- Daily inspection and maintenance
- Material and goods handling
- Proper use of the forklift
- The theory course ends with a theoretical exam

Course code: TQ_006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

In this lesson, you will learn how a culture of learning leads to success. Establishing a culture of continuous learning in your organization takes time and effort, but the results are worth the investment.    

Begin with gaining the support of executives, and then start to incorporate learning into your overall mission, your strategic goals, and value statements.   

Work to get “buy-in” from everyone in your company, and include them in finding ways to learn, teach, and share knowledge.   

Establish easy-to-use systems and processes that make learning an expected part of your corporate behavior.    

Your organization and employees will benefit not only through increased productivity and higher profits, but in personal development and job satisfaction as well. 


• Describe a continuous learning organization     

• List the benefits of a continuous learning organization    

• Build a culture of continuous learning


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