
Course catalogue


  • Soft Skills

Course type

  • E-learning course

Course provider

  • Virsec
Course code: VTC-017
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

Statistics from the British Crime Survey show that the number of individuals classed as lone workers has been steadily growing, and that as many as 150 lone workers are attacked every single day in the UK. Employees working alone may be left in a situation where they are unable to alert someone for help in the case of an accident, confrontation, or sudden illness - so it’s important that these specific risks are identified early, and effectively controlled.


The course covers the main hazards, applicable legislation, risk assessment, risk reduction measures and key responsibilities of the individual.

Course code: VTC-018
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 40,-

Starting a new life as a student in a new and different city or country is very exciting, and while most students will have a perfectly safe and crime-free experience, it is a fact that one third of students will be a victim of crime of one sort or another during their time at college or university. The most common crimes are theft and robbery, followed by incidents involving violent physical or sexual assault. Statistics show that an estimated 20 per cent of student robberies/muggings occur in the first six weeks of the academic year, when students are distracted with settling in.  

By far the best defence is to always use common sense and awareness when in any situation, therefore this course aims to instill in the candidate an awareness that will keep them, their property, and the people around them, safe. The knowledge and preparation gained from this course can help a student to navigate their way confidently into their new life and dramatically reduce the probability of becoming a victim of crime.


Course code: VTC-019
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 40,-

Just about everyone knows that young people just love to travel. It is a means of expressing themselves, discovering who they are, and a fantastic means of exposing them to different cultures, societies, and ways of life. It is also common knowledge that there are, and always will be inherent risks that accompany young people whilst they are travelling away from the security of family and home. For example, in Australia, more than 38,000 people go missing each year. Whilst most of these are located within a short time period, there remain as many as 2,600 missing for more than 3 months.

The Online Travel Security Awareness for Students & Young People Overseas Course has been specifically written for young people travelling or working overseas during gap years, student exchange programmes, working with NGO's and Charities or simply backpacking around the world. 

The course covers most areas that need to be considered in order to assist in the mitigation of the risk of a security-related incident. The course also covers topics relevant to safety issues, including emergency response planning and measures. Learners should understand that this course cannot guarantee you a risk-free experience, but it will build on your current personal security knowledge and risk mitigation skills.

Course code: VTC-016
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 3 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

Attacks against Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in high-risk conflict zones have increased exponentially over the last two decades. NGOs increasingly work in the field, providing humanitarian relief and development assistance in countries around the world. As they carry out their work, they face many serious problems. Governments or rebel groups deny them access to those in need, corrupt officials or warlords demand payoffs, and local violence threatens the safety and even the lives of field personnel.