
Course catalogue

Course code: NMA-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 5 days
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 16500,-

Only in Norwegian

Kurset gir deltakerne kompetanse til å:

- Overleve til sjøs i tilfeller der skipet må forlates (tabell VI/1-1)
- Minimalisere risikoen for brann og opprettholde beredskap for å håndtere nødsituasjoner som involverer brann. Bekjempe og slokke branner (tabell VI/1-2)
- Handle omgående ved kjennskap til en ulykke eller annen medisinsk nødsituasjon (tabell VI/1-3).
- Følge nødprosedyrer. Ta forholdsregler for å hindre forurensning av det marine miljøet. Følge trygge arbeidsrutiner. Forstå ordrer og bli forstått i relasjon til plikter om bord på skip. Bidra til gode menneskelige relasjoner om bord på skip (tabell VI/1-4)



Kurset inneholder obligatoriske minstekrav til grunnleggende sikkerhetsopplæring for alle sjøfolk i henhold til STCW konvensjonen og består av 4 deler:
- Personlige redningsteknikker (tabell A-VI/1-1)
- Forebyggende brannvern og brannslokking (tabell A-VI/1-2)
- Grunnleggende førstehjelp (tabell A-VI/1-3) 
- Personlig sikkerhet og omsorg for menneskeliv og miljø (tabell A-VI/1-4)

Course code: BVS-002
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general overview of the requirements of the AFS Convention and the anti-fouling systems used for new constructions and during ships operational life.


On completion of the training, students will be able to: 

Understand the aim of the anti-fouling systems and their impact on the environment. 

Know the requirements of the AFS Convention. 

Be familiar with the applicable documentation and related certificates. 


What is fouling and how do anti-fouling systems work 

Influence on the environment 

Composition of anti-fouling systems 

The AFS Convention and regulations 

Applicability of AFS Convention for new and existing ships 

Regulation (EC) No. 782/2003 

Survey and certification 

o Types of surveys 

o Scope of Initial surveys for new and existing ships 

o Other surveys 

o Certificate issuance 

o The validity of the IAFS Certificate 

o Type approval certificates


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of Anti-Fouling Systems awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Anti-Fouling Systems, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Course code: BVS-025
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course aims at providing an overview of the Port State Control background, organisation and procedures. It includes a description of the Port State Control inspection process, the criteria for selection of ships for inspection and the most common detainable deficiencies.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Know the background and organisation of the various Port State Control regimes around the world

Understand the Port State Control procedures, the criteria for selection of ships for inspection and the inspection process

Know the various publications issued regularly by the different Port State Control regimes 

Get familiar with the most common deficiencies which may lead to ship’s detention


PSC background and organisation



Regional Port State Control organisations

PSC procedures

Relevant instruments

Selection of ships for inspection

Inspection and selection scheme – Scope, priority and frequency of inspection

Paris MOU – New Inspection Regime (NIR) factors

PSC inspection process

Initial inspection

Clear grounds for more detailed inspection

More detailed inspection

Ship detention

Banning of ships

Publication of information

Detainable deficiencies

Examples of detainable deficiencies

Under SOLAS Convention

Under Load Lines Convention

Under MARPOL Convention

Under Chemical and Gas Codes

Under STCW Convention

Under ILO Conventions

Statistics from various PSCs


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded: 

A Certificate of Port State Control, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Port State Control is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-013
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 3 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general introduction to the most important maritime regulatory bodies: the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the mission and structure of IMO, know the IMO requirements and the main International Conventions, and understand the process of acceptance, adoption and implementation of International Conventions.

Know the history of IACS and its mission, understand the IACS organization and the role of each entity, and know the main types of documents issued by IACS and how they are implemented.

Understand the European context, the role of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), and know the key points of the EU Regulation on common standards for ship inspection and survey organisations.


Module 1 – IMO

IMO Mission

IMO History

IMO Organisation

IMO Regulations

Implementation of IMO Regulations

IMO Technical Assistance

Module 2 – IACS

IACS History

IACS membership evolution and current members

Membership criteria

The mission of Classification Societies and what Classification Societies do not do

IACS aims

IACS values – Leadership, technical knowledge, quality performance, transparency

IACS Organisation

Work programme and work process

IACS Panels

IACS main documents

Module 3 – EMSA

The European context

EMSA purpose and mission

EMSA structure

Regulation (EC) No 391/2009 


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Maritime Regulatory Bodies, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Maritime Regulatory Bodies is obtained after completing the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-034
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides an overview of the general hazards existing on board ships, the appropriate protective equipment to be worn, the precautions to be taken before entering a confined space and other dangerous situations.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Know the general principles and the hazards existing on board ships

Get familiar with the different personal protective equipment and their applications 

Understand the hazards related to confined space entries, and the precautions to be taken

Know the precautions to be taken about the various dangerous situations likely to be found on board ships.


General principles

Risk control structure

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

o Protection of the head

o Protection of eyes and face

o Respiratory protection

o Protection of the feet

o Hearing protection

o Protection of the body

o Protection against fall from height

o Protection of the hands

o Other safety equipment

Safe boarding of ships and offshore units

General precautions while working on board

o Slips, trips and falls

o Internal inspections

o Engulfment

o Fire & explosion

o Hazardous materials

o Air quality & Oxygen rate

o Main points of attention

Confined spaces

o General precautions

o Entry permit

o Rescue attempts

o Particularly dangerous spaces

Other dangerous situations

o Use of rafts or boats for inspections

o Working at height

o Pressure tests


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Personal Safety on Board Ships, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Personal Safety on Board Ships is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course describes the classification and statutory certification processes and provides an overview of the class and statutory surveys.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the classification process and get familiar with classification terms, definitions and rules.

Understand the process of Statutory Certification and get familiar with Statutory Certification terms.

Know the scope of Classification and Statutory Certification


Module 1 – Classification

History of classification

History of Bureau Veritas

Classification Societies and IACS


Scope of classification: Classification tasks, responsibilities of other parties, classification certificate, request for intervention, surveyor's intervention, operation and maintenance of ships, flag and port state control inspections 

Classification notations: Class symbols, construction marks, service notations, navigation and operating area notations, additional class notations

Classification process: Assignment of class for new buildings, classification after construction, class reassignment, maintenance of class

General principles of surveys: Survey procedure, definitions, survey preparation and conditions for surveys, terminology

Survey types: Class renewal surveys, other periodical surveys, occasional surveys

Suspension and withdrawal of class

Scope of surveys: Annual surveys, intermediate survey, class renewal survey, bottom survey, tailshaft survey, boiler survey

Module 2 – Statutory Certification

History of statutory conventions


International conventions: SOLAS, COLREG, Load Lines, MARPOL, AFS, BWM 

Recognitions and authorisations


Statutory surveys

Periodicity of statutory surveys

Survey findings

Types of statutory certificates

Issuance of statutory certificates


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of Introduction to Class and Statutory Surveys awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to Class and Statutory Surveys, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Course code: AST-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 595,-

The IEMA Foundation course provides staff with a solid knowledge of the environment, sustainability, and governance principles relevant to organizations.  It covers specific management tools and skills with a practical application for the workplace to enable staff to improve performance.


Develop the knowledge and skills to help improve sustainability and environmental performance

Learn practical skills to help reduce the impacts of the organization on the environment


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Understand business, governance, and environmental principles and their relationship with organizations, products, and services

• Ensure compliance with major environmental policy and legislation 

• Implement specific tools, techniques, systems, and practices to improve sustainability performance

• Collect data, perform analysis and evaluate information to provide sustainable solutions

• Implement change and transformation to improve sustainability


Course code: BVS-016
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general overview of the MARPOL requirements concerning the protection against oil pollution from machinery spaces.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the means for control of discharge of oil residues and the requirements for oil filtering equipment and 15 ppm alarm.

Get familiar with the Oil Record Book, SOPEP booklet and the required drills.

Know the details of MARPOL surveys and the certificates to be issued.

Know the most common PSC deficiencies related to MARPOL Annex I.


History of MARPOL Convention

Survey and certification

Sludge tanks

Oil fuel tank protection

Standard discharge connection

Oil filtering equipment: 

o Bilge water waste system

o Oily water separator

o Piping system

o Documentation

Control of discharge of oil

Oil record book

Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan

Scope of the different surveys required

PSC inspection and most common deficiencies


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of MARPOL Oil Pollution from Machinery Spaces, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of MARPOL Oil Pollution from Machinery Spaces is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-010
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general introduction to the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC).


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the main objectives of the IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings.

Know the Statutory and Classification requirements for new constructions.

Know the requirements for in-service maintenance, repair and re-coating.

Know the key Stakeholders and their roles.

Understand the contents of the Coating Technical File.


Why was the performance standard needed?

Objectives of the PSPC

Key dates

Statutory and Class requirements

Primary surface preparation and shop priming

Steelwork and edge preparation

Surface preparation and shop primer removal



Key stakeholders

o Shipowners

o Shipbuilders

o Paint Manufacturers

o Classification Societies

Coating technical file

o Contents

o Review

o Maintenance and repair


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Introduction to PSPC, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to PSPC is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: GWO-002
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 7920,-

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.


The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "Working at heights" must be maintained in accordance with. guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.

Course code: VTC-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 30,-

It is important that a ship can demonstrate compliance with the ISPS Code through the provision of an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC), or in circumstances where there is an obvious security failing; otherwise, difficulties may be experienced at ports of call-in relation to the Port State Control Authorities. For this reason, this course is intended to align UK flagged cargo ships with the UK Department for Transport Maritime Security (formerly TRANSEC) with UK flagged passenger ships and port facilities, and to help in the generation of practical and sustainable regimes that balance the security of the ship with the wellbeing of the crew.

The course conforms to CSSI guidelines provided by the UK Department for Transport Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), which specifies the baseline protective security measures to be taken by ships at all ports around the world and at each of the Security Levels, and aims to ensure consistent, proportionate, and practical measures are in place.

The UK Department for Transport (formerly TRANSEC) and The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) have responsibility to ensure the safety of port facility and cargo/freight & passenger ship security, within a policy framework demanded by international maritime legislation and codes outlined in SOLAS Chapter X1-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.


This applies to the following types of ships engaged on international voyages:

• Passenger ships, including high-speed craft.

• Cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.

• Mobile offshore drilling units as defined in Regulation XI-2/1.1.5. (SOLAS)



The course can be used as an intrinsic part of an organisation's overall risk management and has been created to advise and educate senior personnel, senior officers, and specific security personnel in the application of security measures contained in UK Flagged Cargo Ship Security Plans (SSPs) at the different Security Levels.


Course code: VTC-021
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 75,-

Research shows that 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health condition at some point in their lives, and 1 in 6 will experience mental health problems in the workplace. In fact, work pressures are commonly cited as being the number one contributor to stress. Mental health problems are often covered up through fear of discrimination, and a culture of fear and silence can make things very much worse - and be extremely costly for employers. Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health: Level 1 is a 100% online training course designed to raise awareness of mental health issues and help the learner to spot symptoms in themselves or others.


Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health: Level 2 is a 100% online training course designed to raise awareness of mental health issues, help the learner to spot symptoms in themselves or others, and outline what steps are to be taken to help those in need and to improve the working environment. This level 2 qualification is targeted to supervisors or team leaders in an organisation who have responsibilities and duty of care over the general health and wellbeing of colleagues. The course outlines how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health, how to provide help on a first aid basis, and when to escalate the level of care or even seek professional help. It also covers how to identify drug or alcohol abuse and what to do about it, and how to improve the working environment so that it is a place of inclusion and openness, rather than a source of fear and stress.


Course code: VTC-017
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

Statistics from the British Crime Survey show that the number of individuals classed as lone workers has been steadily growing, and that as many as 150 lone workers are attacked every single day in the UK. Employees working alone may be left in a situation where they are unable to alert someone for help in the case of an accident, confrontation, or sudden illness - so it’s important that these specific risks are identified early, and effectively controlled.


The course covers the main hazards, applicable legislation, risk assessment, risk reduction measures and key responsibilities of the individual.

Course code: BVS-024
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 380,-


This training course composed of 4 modules provides an overview of the Polar Code. It includes a general presentation of the Polar Code, the certification process, the safety requirements and the environmental protection requirements.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the main sources of hazards associated with the operations in polar waters and be familiar with the general principles, structure and philosophy of the Polar Code.

Know the main steps of the certification process, the operational assessment methodologies used to establish the operational limitations in ice operations, the requirements and contents of the Polar Water Operational Manual, and the survey and certification requirements.

Have a general understanding of the safety requirements concerning ship’s design and construction, machinery installations, safety equipment and fire protection, safety of navigation and communication equipment.

Get familiar with the requirements for operations in polar waters and training of crew.

Understand the Polar Code requirements for protection against oil pollution, NLS pollution, sewage pollution and garbage disposal.


Module 1 – The Code


Regulatory framework

The Polar Code

Module 2 – Certification Process

Certification overview

Operational assessment

Polar Water Operational Manual

Surveys and Certification


BV Rules 

Module 3 – Safety Requirements

What does the Polar Code mean for safety?

Design and Construction


Fire protection

Life-saving appliances

Operations and manning 

Module 4 – Environmental protection

How the Polar Code protects the environment?

Pollution prevention


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded: 

A Certificate of Polar Code, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Polar Code is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-026
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides general information on the ship’s propulsion system and its main components, the Rules’ requirements for design and survey of propeller and shaft installations, the requirements and methodology for the assessment on board of shaft alignment, and an overview of tailshaft survey requirements.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Know the main propulsion shaft components

Understand the design requirements for propellers and propeller shafts 

Get familiar with the arrangements and installation on board of propellers and propeller shafts

Understand the main requirements for shaft alignment

Understand the survey requirements for propeller shafts and other propulsion systems.


Main components of propulsion shafting

Design and construction of propulsion shafting

o Rules requirements

o Shaft alignment software

o Documentation to be submitted

o Materials

o Couplings

o Scantlings

o Lubrication system

Arrangement and installation – Shaft alignment

o Alignment calculation

o Shaft alignment sighting

o GAP and SAG method

o Bearing loads

o Alignment checking after chocking

Material tests, workshop inspections and testing, certification


o Classification requirements

o Propeller types

o Geometry of propeller

o Materials

o CPP control system

o Arrangement and installation

o Testing and certification

Tailshaft surveys

o Survey schemes

o Periodicity

o Scope of surveys for traditional propeller shafts

o Scope of surveys for other propulsion systems


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Propeller and Shaft Installations, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Propeller and Shaft Installations is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-027
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 3 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 380,-


This training course describes the various components of a shaft line and the different types of shafts and their couplings, the importance of shaft alignment and the various methods utilized for shaft alignment. The course provides also a brief introduction to the vibrations that may affect the shaft lines.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Get familiar and understand the components of a shaft line, know the types of shafts and their couplings, understand the protection required and the shaft line components scantlings and get familiar with the required tests and certification of shaft lines.

Understand the importance of shaft alignment and the factors influencing the alignment, know the different alignment methods currently employed and understand the shaft alignment issues for installations other than the main shafting line.

Understand the different types of vibrations that may affect shaft systems, know the general principles of torsional and axial vibrations and get familiar with the vibration control methods and vibration tests and measurements


Module 1 - Shaft Lines and Propeller

Shaft line components: Shafts, shaft liners, propellers, propeller cap, shaft and intermediate bearings, stern tube, stern tube bushes and seals

Couplings: Flanged couplings, hydraulic couplings, flexible couplings

Design and construction: Propeller shaft key and keyway, shaft materials, couplings materials, coupling bolts, shaft scantlings, shaft monitoring

Inspection and certification: Inspections during construction, material tests, hydrostatic tests, certification, sea trials

Module 2 – Shaft Alignment


Alignment calculation

Required information

Factors influencing the alignment: Draught, buoyancy, rigidity of the bearing base, temperature

Alignment methods: Gap and sag method, sighting method, jack-up method, strain gauge method

Alignment verification on board

Shafts for other installations: Alignment techniques, preparation, types of misalignment, alignment methods

Module 3 – Shaft Vibrations

Torsional vibrations

Rules requirements

Vibration damper

Barred speed range

Required documentation

Calculation principles

Axial vibrations

Vibration control and tests


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Shaft Alignment, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Shaft Alignment is obtained after completing the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-011
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides a general overview of the requirements of the International Load Lines Convention and the conditions of assignment of load lines.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Know the general requirements of the International Load Lines Convention and understand the conditions of assignment of load lines.

Know the different types of surveys; understand the scope of each survey and the certificates, records and documents associated with the Load Lines Convention.

Know the most common deficiencies and PSC detainable items in connection with the Load Lines Convention.


History of Load Lines Convention

Purpose of the Convention


Freeboard calculation

Load line marks

Conditions of assignment

o Information to be supplied to the Master

o Doors

o Cargo and other hatchways

o Machinery space openings and miscellaneous openings

o Ventilators and air pipes

o Scuppers, inlets and discharges

o Scuttles and windows

o Freeing ports

o Protection of crew

o Special conditions of assignment for Type A ships

Special requirements for ships assigned with timber freeboards

Certificates, records and other documents

Scope of Load Line surveys

o Initial survey

o Annual survey

o Renewal survey

Common PSC deficiencies related to Load Lines

o PSC statistics

o Detainable deficiencies


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Load Lines, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Load Lines is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-015
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general overview of the MARPOL requirements concerning the protection against oil pollution from cargo spaces of oil tankers.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the MARPOL requirements for the prevention of oil pollution from cargo spaces of oil tankers.

Get familiar with the pollution prevention equipment required by the MARPOL Convention.

Know the requirements for survey and certification of oil tankers.


Segregated ballast tanks

Double hull and double bottom

Pump-room bottom protection

Subdivision and stability

Slop tanks

Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements

Oil discharge monitoring and control system

Oil/water interface detector

Crude oil washing system

Control of discharge of oil

Oil record book part II

Ship-to-ship transfer

Survey and certification, type-approval certificates

Different survey types


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of MARPOL Oil Pollution from Cargo Spaces, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of MARPOL Oil Pollution from Cargo Spaces is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-020
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides an overview of the Magnetic Particles Testing (MT) method for non-destructive examination of materials and welding, its objectives and principles.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the basic physical principles of magnetic particle testing.

Know the testing procedure and the inspection process referred to testing materials and equipment.

Differentiate applications and the acceptance criteria applied.

Get familiar with the purpose of reference materials and/or blocks to ensure the quality of test performance and testing results.


Basic principle

Testing procedure

o Surface preparation

o Magnetization

o Applying detection media

o Inspection and recording

o De-magnetization

o Post-cleaning

Testing materials and equipment

o Detection media–dry and wet magnetic particles

o Equipment for magnetization


Applications and acceptance criteria

o Scope

o Indications

o Acceptance criteria

o Test report

Reliability, quality of test performance

o Verification of magnetization

o Viewing conditions

o Detection media

o Magnetic flux indicators

o NDT personnel competence


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of NDT – Magnetic Particles Testing, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of NDT – Magnetic Particles Testing is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: AST-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 6 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 156,-

Provided in association with Astutis, approved centre 1857.

IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing course will provide managers with the practical advice and tools to help create a healthy and productive workplace.


IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing is targeted at line managers and offers them practical advice to manage health risks and understand their responsibilities for the health and wellbeing of staff.  It equips line managers with the basic tools and techniques to play their part in improving health and wellbeing across their organisation.


The course is split into 4 modules and covers:


• Importance of managing workplace health and wellbeing

• Health risk management

• Fitness for work and the need to manage changes in the health status of employees

• The business value of promoting a wellbeing programme


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