
Course catalogue

Course code: BVS-007
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1,5 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course provides a general introduction to dynamic positioning systems, which are computer-controlled systems that automatically maintain the vessel's position and heading by using their propellers and thrusters. 


On completion of the training, students will be able to: 

Get familiar with dynamic positioning systems. 

Know the main components of dynamic positioning systems, equipment used and installation. 

Know the Class requirements in terms of surveys and tests of dynamic positioning systems 



Characteristics and scope of DP systems 


Equipment class 

Classification notations 

System configuration: power system, thruster system, control system, position reference systems, computer system, display system 


o Redundant systems 

o System failures 

o Redundancy concept 

o Terms 

o Single fault tolerance 


Design environment 

Essential non-DP systems 

Performance analysis 

Operational requirements 

System components 

o Power system 

o Thruster system 

o DP control system 

o Position reference system: acoustical, taut-wire and other reference systems 

Scope of DP surveys 

o Inspections at works 

o Surveys during construction, tests and trials 

o Surveys during operation: Annual and Renewal surveys, operational test, Occasional surveys


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded the following qualifications:

Certificate of Introduction to DP System awarded by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to DP System, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore, is obtained after completing the course and passing the qualification examination.

Course code: TQ_049
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

When you make developing customer rapport a priority, you will experience many benefits. From the very first interaction, there are things you can do to begin earning customer trust and loyalty. Be friendly and genuine as you communicate. Always be honest and work hard to solidify your reputation as a trustworthy professional. As your relationships grow, find ways to help your customers outside of your role as their sales consultant. These opportunities to assist them in their successes will cement your rapport even more. And don’t forget that relationships with your colleagues and co-workers need as much attention and care as your customer connections. It takes hard work and teamwork to be successful. Taking the time to build rapport with both your customers and colleagues is the key that unlocks this reality.


• Identify Ways of Establishing Customer Rapport

• Identify Ways of Sustaining Customer Rapport

• List the Benefits of Building Customer Rapport


Course code: TQ_111
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.

 - Thomas Berger


Asking open-ended questions is a powerful tool to not only spark new ideas and discussions but also developing strategic thinking, collaboration and innovative business solutions. Leaders who demonstrate curiosity and active listening skills are ideally qualified for asking open-ended questions and helping their teams discover original answers to corporate challenges.

• Define an open-ended question 

• Identify the best practices in asking open-ended questions 

• Explain how to encourage and enable employees to use open-ended questions in business meetings 

• Recognize the advantages of open-ended questions

Course code: WEC-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 8 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 4700,-

Hovedmålet med opplæringen er å gi en innføring i Norsok standard R-003 og R-005 slik at kursdeltakerne blir familisert med - og kan bruke Norsok standard som oppslag i sitt daglige arbeid.


Modul O-1.2

Course code: TQ_010
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 MInutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Your success as a leader isn’t dependent upon how much technical knowledge, business expertise, or years of industry experience you have. If you want to achieve goals consistently, build strong, collaborative teams, and establish solid relationships with colleagues, superiors, and clients, then you need Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Emotional Intelligence, also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the ability to properly gauge your emotions as well as the emotions of others in all situations, use proper judgment and behave appropriately for the desired outcome. In other words, EQ is the ability to identify your emotions, and those of others, and use that knowledge to make the best decisions, regardless of the circumstances.


• Define EQ 

• Describe the four components of EQ 

• Use tips and techniques to develop your EQ

Course code: BVS-028
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides an overview of the IACS Recommendation 47 – Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standards.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the applicability of IACS Recommendation No.47.

Get familiar with materials, welding and non-destructive testing. 

Understand the quality standards for steel ship construction and remedial standards for new buildings. 

Understand the quality standards for repair of ships in operation.


General requirements for new constructions and repair of ships in operation

Qualification of welders, welding procedures and NDT operators


Equivalency of material grades

Surface conditions and acceptance criteria

Shipbuilding and remedial quality standards for new constructions

o Standard for flanged longitudinals and flanged brackets

o Standard for corrugated bulkheads

o Standard for pillars, brackets and stiffeners

o Standard for hull shape

o Standard for fairness of plating between frames

o Standard for alignment and remedial standard for misalignment

o Standard for butt weld plate edge preparation and remedial standard

o Standard for fillet weld plate edge preparation and remedial standard

o Standard for distance between welds

Repair quality standards for ships in operation

o Standard for welding, groove roughness

o Standard for renewal of plates

o Standard for doublers on plating

o Standard for renewal of internals/stiffeners

o Standard for welding of pitting corrosion

o Standard for welding repair of cracks


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standards, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standards is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Enkle løfteinnretninger. Modul P-2.4

Course code: KOL-013
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 2 days / 16 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: Not set

Hensikten med kurset er å gi blivende riggere en god teoretisk grunnopplæring i sikker bruk av: Fallsikringsutstyr og enkle løfteinnretninger (enkle travers- og søylesvingkraner, håndtaljer, luft- og eltaljer og transportable vinsjer.Opplæringen gir kandidaten god innsikt i prinsippene for fallsikringsutstyrs, enkle løfteinnretningers og transportable vinsjers konstruksjon, virkemåte, bruk og vedlikehold, slik at uhell og ulykker i forbindelse med riggeoperasjoner unngås.

Deltakeren må ha fullført G11 stroppekurs før kursstart.

Opplæringen dekker den nødvendige teoretiske som er nødvendig for å kunne gjennomføre det praktiske riggekurset, Modul O 3.2.

Kurset avsluttes med en teoretisk prøve. 

- Fallsikringsutstyr
- Travers- og søyle- svingkraner
- Håndtaljer, luft- og el-taljer
- Transportable vinsjer
- Avsluttende teoretisk prøve

This course is only available in Norwegian.

Course code: EXT-008
Course type: Blended course
Duration: 5-hour e-learning + ...
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 11200,-


This course combines self-study by e-learning and classroom training with demonstrations and examples which is useful when working in explosive atmospheres.

The concept intrinsic safety is unlike the other Ex protection concepts as it is a system concept. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the system as a whole, how the environment and individual components affect the system to maintain the integrity of the intrinsically safe system.

Course code: TQ_079
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Your success as a businessperson will be greatly affected by the professional relationships you cultivate. Interpersonal skills are the cornerstone of developing these associations, so it is important to assess your abilities to communicate clearly and empathetically and to listen well. The most effective and satisfying relationships are based on a genuine and mutual desire to get to know and help others. When you focus on adding value to your business connections, you will build a network that is both personally satisfying and professionally beneficial.


• Identify foundational skills required to build a strong interpersonal relationship

• Develop methods of building business partnerships

• Enlist keys to networking


Course code: AST-004
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 500 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 3528,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety is an advanced health and safety qualification. Equivalent to an undergraduate degree in OHS. The NEBOSH Diploma is NEBOSH's flagship qualification. It is recognised by employers and professional bodies in over 180 countries around the world!


The qualification will develop competence in all areas of health and safety so you can reduce risk in dangerous environments and keep people safe. It is the ideal course if you want a successful, long-term career in health and safety.


Unit A: Managing Health and Safety

This unit provides an in-depth understanding of the key areas for managing health and safety, covering moral, economic and societal drivers, health & safety law and health & safety management systems. 


A1 - Principles of health & safety management

A2 - Principles of health & safety law

A3 - Criminal Law

A4 - Civil Law

A5 - Loss causation and incident investigation

A6 - Measuring and reviewing health and safety           

A7 - Identifying hazards, assessing and evaluating risk

A8 - Risk control

A9 - Organisational factors

A10 - Human factors

A11 - The role of health & safety practitioner


Unit B: Hazardous Agents in the Workplace

Unit B details all major aspects of managing chemical, biological, physical and physiological hazards in the workplace.


B1 - Managing Occupational Health

B2 - Identification, assessment & evaluation of hazardous substances

B3 - Control of hazardous substances

B4 - Monitoring and measuring

B5 - Biological agents

B6 - Physical agents - noise and vibration

B7 - Physical agents - radiation

B8 - Mental ill-health & dealing with violence & aggression at work

B9 - Musculoskeletal risks and controls

B10 - Work environment risks and controls


Unit C: Workplace and Work Equipment Safety

Unit C provides a thorough understanding of how to create and manage safe working environments, covering welfare, fire, dangerous substances, work equipment, electricity, construction and transport. 


C1 - Workplace welfare requirements and specific workplace issues

C2 - Fire and explosion

C3 - Workplace fire risk assessment

C4 - Storage, handling and processing of dangerous substances

C5 - Work equipment (general)

C6 - Work equipment (workplace machinery)

C7 - Mobile, lifting, access and work at height equipment

C8 - Electrical safety 

C9 - Construction & works of a temporary nature - hazards and controls

C10 - Workplace transport and driving for work

Course code: VTC-004
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 60,-

Strict regulations and procedures exist for the safe and efficient operation of ships - and UK regulations and procedures may differ from those you may be familiar with in other flag vessels. 

This online course will help to comply with UK requirements by focusing on the guidelines set out in 'A Master's Guide to the UK Flag', released by the UK DfT Maritime and Coastguard Agency.  

This course aims to allow the learner to train themselves in vital regulation and procedures in the most efficient way possible - by studying each of the 14 subjects in this course, with learning consolidated via confirmation and assessment questions.

Course code: TQ_002
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

Changing demographics, technology innovation, and global competition are driving enterprise-wide business transformation. Digital natives—two new generations of buyers and corporate talent—are wired to connect, communicate, and operate in this environment. How they instinctively navigate this digital age is redefining how organizations are responding to customer expectations, continuous business innovation, and competition. A recent Wall Street Journal article said, “We are in an era of extraordinary change in core business models. Technology is usually the cause.” As organizations shift from pre-digital age business models to more agile platform-based models, their strategies are changing too. Digital technologies are the tools that organizations are using to meet the demands of a new breed of the buyer and a competitive global economy. It’s clear that today—and going forward—every business is now a digital business.


• Learn how markets are getting transformed due to digital

• Recognize how business models get transformed due to digital

• Understand how digital influences strategy transformation for any business


Course code: AST-003
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: Approx. 90 hours
Language: English
Price: GBP 780,-

Provided in association with Astutis, NEBOSH Learning Partner 807.

The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (IG) is one of the leading health and safety qualifications recognized globally.  It helps develop your understanding of general workplace issues and how they can be applied in different sectors around the world.


The new NEBOSH International Certificate focuses on the role of a real-life health and safety professional. It looks at the real, everyday risks that people encounter and how to manage them to help protect people and profits. 


You'll develop the essential risk management skills to create a safe and healthy workplace. And, you’ll have the foundation knowledge to make recommendations to your employer to help them improve health and safety management.


Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:


• Justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments

• Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors

• Work within a health and safety management system, recognising what effective policy, organisational responsibilities and arrangements should look like

• Positively influence health and safety culture and behaviour to improve performance in their organisation

• Do a general risk assessment in their own workplace – profiling and prioritising risks, inspecting the workplace, recognising a range of common hazards, evaluating risks (taking account of current controls), recommending further control measures, planning actions

• Recognise workplace changes that have significant health and safety impacts and effective ways to minimise those impacts

• Develop basic safe systems of work (including taking account of typical emergencies) and knowing when to use permit-to-work systems for special risks

• Take part in incident investigations

• Help their employer to check their management system effectiveness – through monitoring, audits and reviews


Course code: STQ-008
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 3 days
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: From NOK 23490,-

Objective: The aim of the training is that those who are given training receive a repetition of acquired competence in theoretical and practical understanding of safe work operations / emergency operations with offshore cranes so that accidents and incidents can be avoided.

The aim of the training is that those who are given training receive a repetition of acquired competence in theoretical and practical understanding of safe work operations / emergency operations with offshore cranes so that accidents and incidents can be avoided.

The training is according to training plan module P-4.1.1 covers repetition requirements in NORSOK R-003.


3 years according to NORSOK
2 years according to OPITO

Holders of a G5 certificate must meet the requirements for updating through module P-4.1.1 "Offshore crane simulator" within three years, and then update this every three years. If this update is not carried out the certificate is still valid, but the G5 certificate holder cannot operate a crane until the requirements for the simulator training have been completed.


- Introduction
- Accidents and accidents with offshore cranes
- Laws, regulations, standards, regarding offshore cranes
- Operational limitations of crane operations
- Planning of lifting operations (TBT, SJA, Work permits)
- Internal lifting, loading and lifting from / to supply boats, critical lifts, transport of personnel
- Emergency operations
- Communication
- Practical operations use of simulator
- Theoretical and practical exam

Course code: TQ_021
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

"“Communication works for those who work at it.” 

-John Powell  


Upward communication flows from the lower level to the upper level of a hierarchy. For example, employees communicating with their immediate manager, the immediate manager communicating with their reporting manager, and so on up to the board of directors or owner of the company. This form of communication helps employees express their requirements, ideas, or goals. Managing upward communication is an art to be acquired if you are looking for a long-term career in your organization and wish to get ample opportunities to learn and grow. This course will help you communicate upward effectively.


Establish your interest in the organization  

Look for opportunities to contribute and think big 

Be yourself and do not encourage or be involved in manipulation 

Take ownership of your mistakes and avoid politics

Course code: TQ_064
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 15,-

The workforce in most of the organizations has a mix of four generations. Individuals from the Baby Boom era are moving closer to retirement, while a new generation of workers, Generation Z, are entering the business world. Different cultural events and forces have so distinctly molded the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z that their approaches to work vary greatly. In this lesson, you will learn that strategic leaders seize the opportunity to leverage the wisdom and experience of the oldest generation and the entrepreneurial, technological, and ideological strengths of the younger generations to prepare their organizations for the future.


• Identify the similarities of all generations 

• Learn to lead the generationally diverse team 

• Build the bridge between these generations

Course code: WEC-006
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 24 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 5660,-

Hovedmålet med kurset er at den som gis opplæring tilegner seg tilstrekkelige kunnskaper om sikker bruk av løfteredskap slik at ulykker ved bruk unngås.


Modul 1 - 2.3

Course code: WEC-008
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: Not set
Language: Not set
Price: From NOK 7340,-

Offshore loading Phase 3

Course code: KOL-054
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 26 hours
Language: English (if not otherw ...
Price: Not set


The phase 3 course is a refresher course and focuses on experience exchange. The course repeats elements from the phase 2 with regards to handling shuttle tankers in close proximity to loading buoys.

The objective is to learn from the experiences of colleagues, and in such a way achieve optimal skills and understanding on how to handle a shuttle tanker in DP mode. The course participants will also be introduced to new developments within DP as for example reference systems, software versions, new loadingconcepts, updated procedures etc.


• Discussions on unwanted incidents involving shuttle tankers
• Focus on the proper use of procedures relating to diffferent oil fields and the use of DP checklists
• The latest development and statistics in Shuttle Tankers DP incidents
• The latest development of offshore loading manuals and development of new Oil fields
• The latest development of positions reference systems for DP and correct use of them
• Repetition of MCRM (Maritime Crew Recourse Management). Principles for teamwork
• The latest editions of competence requirements and guidelines


All approaches to the loading buoys are carried out by using Dynamic Positioning Systems, according to procedures. 

Simulations also include reconstruction of known DP incidents involving shuttle tankers. The complexity of these exercises will be based on the experience of the person “in charge” on the bridge simulator.


• Equinor Competence Requirements for Shuttle Tanker Personnel, WR 2394
• OGUK Tandem Loading Guidelines Volume 1
• Teekay Competence Requirements, SP 0961


Certification of attendance will be issued on successful completion of the course. 

Course code: GWO-001
Course type: Classroom course
Duration: 4 hours
Language: Norwegian
Price: From NOK 1900,-

Upon completion of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST), delegates will have awareness of the dangers that arise when working in the wind industry and how to control and reduce these dangers.

The course participants will gain the knowledge and skills to handle manual lifting properly and ensure their own safety with proper lifting in accordance with ergonomics.

The aim of this module is to encourage positive manual handling behavior and train delegates ability to perform manual handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry / environment.

The course covers the requirements for training of personnel and refresher courses both onshore and offshore wind in accordance with:


- Global Wind Organization (GWO)

- Labor Inspection (Regulations)


Competence for "Manual handling" must be maintained in accordance with guideline in the GWO standard. It shall be conducted refresher training every 2 years.

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