
Course catalogue

Course code: BVS-019
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 280,-


This training course gives a general presentation of the three Advanced NDT Methods (Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD), Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT) and Digital Radiography (DR)), their basic principles and how the corresponding equipment should be used in accordance with the testing procedure to ensure the quality of the test performance and testing results.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the setup and principles of advanced NDT techniques in comparison with conventional methods.

Know the testing procedure and the inspection process referred to the equipment used.

Differentiate applications according to the advantages and limitations.

Get familiar with the aspects of test performance and obtained testing results.


Time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD)

o Basic principle

o Testing procedure

o System set-up and checks

o Data interpretation and evaluation

o Acceptance levels

o Advantages and limitations

Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique (PA-UT)

o Ultrasonic phased array technology

o Phased array benefits

o Basic principle

o Testing procedure

o Settings

o PA-UT instead of RT

o Advantages and limitations

Digital Radiography (DR)

o Digital radiography techniques

o Computed radiography & direct digital radiography

o Digital image quality

o Basic principles

o Testing procedure

o Evaluation and interpretation of results

o Advantages and limitations

Applications and acceptance criteria

o Scope

o Indication evaluation

o Acceptance criteria

o Test report

Reliability, quality of test results

o UT system performance

o NDT personnel competence


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of NDT – Advanced Techniques, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of NDT – Advanced Techniques is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: BVS-029
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course aims at providing an overview of the shipping community, the main players intervening on a ship and the different roles they play. It provides general information about ship owners and managers, flag administrations, classification societies, insurance companies, port state control, operational players and specialized press.


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Discover the different actors and organisms related with shipping

Know the relationship between the various shipping actors

Understand the role of the different shipping actors


Overview of the major shipping players

Ship Owners

Categories of ship owners

Ship managers

Professional associations










International Maritime Organization (IMO)

International Labour Organization (ILO)

European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

United States Coast Guard (USCG)


Classification Societies

International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)



Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs

Operational players






Port State Control (PSC)





On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded: 

A Certificate of Shipping, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Shipping is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

Course code: VTC-022
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 30,-

Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications, and latex. If you are allergic to a substance, your immune system overreacts to this allergen by releasing chemicals that cause allergy symptom.


From the moment you know or suspect that you or someone else has ingested an allergen, action must be taken immediately. Even mild symptoms can quickly progress to a severe reaction, or anaphylaxis. You should be watchful and prepared to give medication (adrenaline / epinephrine). It is important for every person with life-threatening food allergies to have an individualised food allergy action plan.


Properly managed, identified and treated, anaphylactic shock need not be a life-threatening condition.


This course provides you with training and awareness in this potentially severe and life-threatening allergic reaction. This course can be used for induction training, general information & knowledge, refresh training or basic training, with the aim to create a safe environment for all people with allergies.


Course code: BVS-010
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Price: EUR 200,-


This training course provides a general introduction to the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC).


On completion of the training, students will be able to:

Understand the main objectives of the IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings.

Know the Statutory and Classification requirements for new constructions.

Know the requirements for in-service maintenance, repair and re-coating.

Know the key Stakeholders and their roles.

Understand the contents of the Coating Technical File.


Why was the performance standard needed?

Objectives of the PSPC

Key dates

Statutory and Class requirements

Primary surface preparation and shop priming

Steelwork and edge preparation

Surface preparation and shop primer removal



Key stakeholders

o Shipowners

o Shipbuilders

o Paint Manufacturers

o Classification Societies

Coating technical file

o Contents

o Review

o Maintenance and repair


On completion of the training program, the student will be awarded:

A Certificate of Introduction to PSPC, issued by Bureau Veritas Solutions Marine & Offshore.

The Certificate of Introduction to PSPC is obtained after completion of the course and passing the online test.

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