
Course catalogue

Course code: MGM-076
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

All personnel who are involved in the process of the Tanker Management Self Assessment program.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will give learners an awareness of TMSA and the audit criteria for the enhancement of safety on board tanker ships.

How will the course benefit my company?

The course will ensure that learners are following best practices as detailed in national/international legislation as well as operator procedures.

What standards are referenced in the course?

International Safety Management (ISM) Code

Oil Operators International Marine Forum (OCIMF)

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers (COSWP)

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-133
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 1500,-

Who is the course for?

All maintenance personnel on board who are involved in performing isolations.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will give learners an overview of how to use mechanical isolations to ensure safe working.

How will the course benefit my company?

The course will ensure that the risk to personnel working on the various systems on board the ship are reduced by the use of mechanical isolations.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment? 

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-006
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 3 hours
Language: Norwegian and English
Price: NOK 1800,-

This course covers the theoretical part of the basic safety training for seafarers, which is mandatory for all personnel working on vessels. Through tuition and training in preventive safety, first aid, sea rescue and fire safety, the course teaches you to take care of your own safety and that of others. By taking the theoretical part of the course online, you cut down the time you need to attend an approved safety centre and save both time and money. 

Course code: MTP-073
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English (US)
Price: GBP 45,-

Who is this course for?

This course aims to provide learners with an awareness of US best practice in relation to the values that govern responsible corporate practice and personal behaviors in the workplace.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required. 

How will this course benefit me?

The Code of Conduct course provides an overview of the common values that govern responsible corporate practice and personal behaviour in a company. The course will identify the responsibilities of employees and our common responsibilities toward each other in the workplace. 

You will learn about applicable laws on human rights, equality, discrimination and corruption. During the course, you will be asked to make your own decisions in relevant dilemmas involving sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination and corruption.

How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring that all personnel are familiar with applicable laws on human rights, equality, discrimination and corruption.

What standards are referred to in this course?

Civil Rights Act 1964

UK Equality Act 2010

The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 

The UK Bribery Act 2010

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Is there an assessment?


Course code: MTP-072
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 15 minutes
Language: English (US)
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

All relevant personnel.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide an overview of an employees right to implement their 'Stop Work Authority'. This course in Stop Work Authority is divided into and covers the following topics: Imminent danger, stop work procedure, right to refuse work and unsafe conditions.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are aware of an employees right to omplement their 'Stop Work Authority'.


What standards are referred to in this course?



Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 100%.

Course code: MGM-055
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is the course for?

Deck crew and personnel who require knowledge on the inventory and storage of paints and coatings.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with a basic understanding on the inventory and storage requirements of paints and coatings.


How will the course benefit my company?

By providing personnel with a basic understanding on the inventory and storage requirements of paints and coatings.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

• The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships

• The European Union Ship Recycling Regulation

• Resolution MEPC.269(68) Guidelines for the Development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-015
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is this course for?

Any navigator, technician or watchman requiring a basic understanding of radar.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required.


How will this course benefit me?

By providing an introduction to radar systems and their use onboard vessels.


How will this course benefit my company?

By improving relevant personnel’s understanding of the functions, capabilities and limitations of radar.


What standards are referred to in this course?

IMO Resolution MSC 192(79) Revises Performance Standards for Radar Equipment


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MCP-048
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 85 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 1200,-

Who is the course for?

Officers who are looking for an easy-to-follow supplement or refresher to their radar and ARPA courses and anyone requiring knowledge of the general features of radar.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

The course will benefit learners by enhancing their knowledge, skills and confidence in radar plotting and in the use of ARPA during collision avoidance manoeuvres, while being aware of limiting factors.

How will the course benefit my company?

By ensuring that personnel understand both the potential and limitations of radar and ARPA equipment in order to ensure safe operations on board.

What standards are referenced in the course?

• IMO Radar Performance Standards (IMO) (2004): Res.MSC.192(79)

• The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

• International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Recommendations (ITU (200): Rec.ITU-R.M.1313-1)

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MTP-080
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 60 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 600,-

Who is the course for?

Personnel who require knowledge or awareness of dangerous goods within HEMS operations.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

This course is part of the required trainings for HEMS operating crew, and covers classification of dangerous goods, how dangerous goods is divided into hazard classes, how it should be marked and labelled and what emergency procedures should contain.


This course must be repeated every 24 months.


How will the course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are familiar with the classification of dangerous goods, how dangerous goods is divided into hazard classes, how it should be marked and labelled and what emergency procedures should contain.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

• International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Course code: MTP-068
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English (US)
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Maritime personnel requiring knowledge or awareness of US maritime security risks and controls.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an awareness of US best practice in relation to marine security awareness.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are aware of US best practice in relation to marine security awareness.


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards but is written according to industry best practice.


Is there an assessment?

There is no exam upon completion of this course

Course code: MTP-056
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: Norwegian / English
Price: NOK 600,-

Who is this course for?

All employees at all levels of the organisation who require an awareness of steps to take in the event of armed attack.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

The main idea behind the course is that knowledge about and reflection on what to do makes us feel more confident and able to make informed choices.  In a public area or at work, are you aware of what the premises look like, and how you can evacuate if a situation should occur? In order of priority you should act in this way; Run, Hide, Fight!


The course describes these guidelines in more details and also allows the user to reflect upon various aspects of an armed attack.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are aware of the priorities should an armed attack occur.


What standards are referred to in this course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards but is written according to industry best practice.


Is there an assessment?

There is no exam upon completion of this course.

Course code: SAA-35
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

Who is the course for?
This eLearning course is aimed at individuals who are required to travel overseas on business, particularly to high-risk locations where there is a threat of criminal activity, civil unrest and terrorism.

Is previous experience required?
There is no requirement for prior knowledge or experience before completing this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role.

How will the course benefit me?
When you travel somewhere new, your lack of local knowledge can mean that you may be more likely to be targeted by criminals. This course will give you a basic understanding of the threats commonly faced by travellers and explain how you can reduce the likelihood of a health or security incident.

The knowledge gained in this course will help you to assess your personal risk so that you can stay safe while travelling. It will also outline the basic principles of safety and security.

How will the course benefit my company?
By ensuring you are fully aware of the risks that you may face when travelling, you can keep yourself, and your company's assets and information, safe.

What standards are referenced in the course?
This course does not contain reference to specific legislation or standards but is written to current travel security guidelines and industry best practice.

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 100%.

Course code: MGM-134
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

Any personnel who requires an awareness of the environmental impacts associated with merchant shipping waste and how these wastes can be managed.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide learners with an understanding of the types of waste generated by shipping, how these wastes impact the environment and the methods that can be used to reduce and manage waste.

How will the course benefit my company?

Environmentally aware personnel can help to reduce the environmental impacts of your operations and improve environmental performance.

What standards are referenced in the course?

The European Union (EU) Waste Framework Directive

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 1973 - Annex IV

Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage and Garbage from Ships) Regulations

Deposits in the Sea (Exemption) Order

Landfill Directive

Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations

Special/Hazardous Waste Regulations

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-035
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 90 minutes + Onboar ...
Language: English
Price: NOK 9500,-

Who is the course for?

This course is for personnel who require an insight into Norwegian maritime rules and regulations.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to the Norwegian maritime rules and regulations and to provide details of how much of an influence Norway has over the global maritime industry.

How will the course benefit my company?

This course will benefit shipping operators and companies by ensuring that their staff have an awareness of the Norwegian Maritime Authority, Norwegian maritime rules and regulations and all other relevant legislation.

What standards are referenced in the course?

International Safety Management (ISM) Code

Freedom of Information Act

Norwegian International Ship Register Act

Ship Labour Act

Ship Safety and Security Act

Norwegian Maritime Act

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code

Norwegian Maritime Code

Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)

Equality and Anti-discrimination Act

Accommodation of Crews Convention

Principles of Safe Manning

International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarer (STCW)

Norwegian Regulations

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MUK-252
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 250,-

Who is this course for?
All personnel.

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role

How will this course benefit me?
This course aims to provide personnel with a guide on the preventative and protective measures that may be put in place at workplaces following personnel return

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have an overview of the preventative and protective measures that may be put in place at workplaces following personnel return

What standards are referred to in this course?

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-003
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Price: NOK 1500,-

Course Goal: This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to ISO14001 and Environmental Management in the Maritime Industry.


Learning Objectives:

Introduction to Environmental Management and ISO 14001

LO1 Explain the importance of being an environmentally responsible company

LO2 Explain the role of ISO14001 in environmental management

LO3 Define what is meant by environmental ‘aspects’ and ‘impacts’

LO4 Explain the purpose of an Environmental Management System (EMS) 

LO5 Describe how to ensure continual improvement in environmental performance


Environmental Aspects of Maritime Activities

LO6 Identify the significant environmental aspects of the Maritime Industry


Monitoring and Reporting

LO7 Explain the importance of monitoring and reporting all environmental issues 


Playing your Part

LO8 Explain how you can play your part in improving environmental performance 

Course code: MGM-131
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

All maritime personnel involved in the management of change process.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide you with an overview of the management of change process.

How will the course benefit my company?

This course will provide personnel with an overview of the steps involved in the management of change process, the roles and responsibilities of personnel, the risks involved in change management and how these risks can be controlled.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-043
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is this course for?

Maritime personnel who may be affected by potential baggage searches.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course. 


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide an introduction to personnel and baggage searches in the Maritime Industry.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are aware of the personnel and baggage searches which might be carried out. 


What standards are referred to in this course?

SOLAS ch. 11 - ISPS code


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-096
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 10 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is the course for?

All trainee Maritime personnel working with fuel systems.

Is previous experience required?

Previous experience is not required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with an overview of fuel systems.

How will the course benefit my company?

By providing personnel with an overview of fuel systems.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: SA-19
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 Minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 50,-

Who is the course for?

This eLearning course is aimed at individuals who are required to travel for business, whether at home or abroad. 


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role.


How will the course benefit me?

Whether you are driving to a business meeting or working abroad, travel can present several risks. This course will give you a basic understanding of the risks that you may face while travelling and the measures you can take to keep safe and secure.


The knowledge gained in this course will help you to stay safe in your day-to-day driving  and in the event of travelling or working abroad. It will also indicate the importance of considering your surroundings and what is culturally acceptable.


How will the course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are fully aware of how to travel safely, you can help to ensure that neither you nor your company is exposed to unnecessary risk. You can also reduce your risk of being involved in a travel-related incident.


What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards but is written to current HSE guidelines and industry best practice.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

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