
Course catalogue



Course type

Course provider

  • Mintra Trainingportal
Course code: MGM-060
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

Deck & Engine officers.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to describe how to improve teamwork and employee engagement, give examples of leading through difficult times and describe how to facilitate conflict resolution.


How will the course benefit my company?

This course is designed to provide learners with the knowledge to be leaders with excellent leadership skills that can promote teamwork, to have an empowered and collaborating crew and reduce the risk of accidents.


What standards are referenced in the course?

International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Code


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-028
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Maritime personnel who require an introduction to or awareness of how their health and lifestyle could be impacted and protected during their career.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course. 


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an insight into the health and lifestyle of seafarers.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have an insight into the health and lifestyle of seafarers.


What standards are referred to in this course?

Maritime Labour Convention (MLC2006)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MTP-066
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 10 minutes
Language: English and Norwegian
Price: NOK 250,-

This course is designed to raise the awareness of GDPR (2018) throughout the workforce.

We will familiarise staff with the rights of individuals and the obligations of companies.

Learn which territorial areas are affected, and understand the consequences of the improper sharing of personal data, and how to deal with a data breach, should it occur.

The course content is developed in cooperation with Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS.


Course code: MGM-031
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 70,-

Who is this course for?
This course is for deck officers, ratings and other crew onboard.

Is previous experience required?
No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?
This course is intended to ensure all deck officers, ratings and other crew onboard are provided with an understanding of safe line handling during mooring, docking and berthing operations.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you are familiar with mooring deck safety and mooring operations.

What standards are referred to in this course?
- SOLAS regulation II-1/3-8 on Towing and Mooring Equipment
- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MTP-035
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 70 minutes + Onboar ...
Language: English, Norwegian, Br ...
Price: NOK 2100,-

Who is this course for:
Every seafarer without designated security duties (STCW Table A-VI/6-1)

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role

How will this course benefit me?
Piracy and armed robbery is a real threat to seafarer’s onboard ships and mobile units at sea. 1st January 2014 a requirement about seafarer’s security training was put in force for all ships to which the ISPS Code applies.

The training consists of an e-learning course and the performance of certain on board activities described in a checklist. The client’s approved instructors must sign completed checklists for each trainee.

When the training is completed a certificate is issued by the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have the knowledge and are certified according to the STCW regulations.

What standards are referred to in this course?
STCW - Security Awareness, table A-VI/6-1
This training programme in Ship Security Awareness has been approved by the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-127
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

Personnel who have the responsibility for carrying out hazard identification and risk assessments in the workplace.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing learners with hazard identification awareness, which will enable them to evaluate hazards quickly and effectively.

How will the course benefit my company?

By providing personnel with the knowledge to quickly identify hazards and implement controls to manage them promote safety in the workplace.

What standards are referenced in the course?

No standards or regulations are referenced in this course.

Is there an assessment? 

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.


Course code: MTP-058
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 70 minutes + Onboar ...
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 2100,-

Who is this course for:
Every seafarer with designated security duties (STCW Table A-VI/6-2)

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role

How will this course benefit me?
Piracy and armed robbery is a real threat to seafarer’s onboard ships and mobile units at sea. 1st January 2014 a requirement about seafarer’s security training was put in force for all ships to which the ISPS Code applies.
The training consists of an e-learning course and the performance of certain on board activities described in a checklist. The client’s approved instructors must sign completed checklists for each trainee. When the training is completed a certificate is issued by the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

This course will be a part of a blended learning in two stages:
The first stage is this e-learning course
The second stage will be on board training reflecting the realities on-board the vessel you are serving on. This training might take a couple of weeks or more to complete, as you will be required to participate in a number of drills.

The training will be complete when all the elements of the checklist pertaining to your designated security duties.

Completion of this course requires that you are employed in a company that has a plan in place for on board training for this kind of activities. Contact Mintra for more information about how to complete this training.

The course will not be approved for private individuals.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have the knowledge and are certified according to the STCW regulations.

What standards are referred to in this course?
STCW - Security Awareness, table A-VI/6-2
SOLAS - Safety of Life at Sea
MARPOL - Marine Pollution
ISM Code

This training programme in Designated Security Duties is approved by the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-023
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 50 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 700,-

Who is this course for?
Any members of management, supervisor and shipboard management responsible for Ballast Water.

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?
The primary goal of this course are awareness and knowledge of Ballast Water Management in accordance with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, referred to as the BWM Convention.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you are familiar with the best practices related to Ballast Water Management.

What standards are referred to in this course?
In compliance with IMOs Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) 2004 and industry best practice, and complying with US trade and US Coast Guard.

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-014-CERT
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 100 minutes + Onboa ...
Language: English
Price: NOK 3000,-

Who is this course for?

Ship Officers


Is previous experience required?

Documented 12 months seaservice as an officer onboard an ISPS vessel. 


How will this course benefit me?

After successfully completing this course, you should be able to undertake the duties and responsibilities of a Ship Security Officer, as defined in section A/12.2 of the ISPS Code and in section A-VI/5 of the STCW Code. The course enables you to maintain and supervise the implementation of the Ship Security Plan, evaluate the security risk, threat and vulnerability, make regular inspections to ensure that appropriate safeguards are implemented and maintained, and ensure that the security systems are operated, tested and calibrated correctly.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are qualified and certified as a Ship Security Officer (SSO).


What standards are referred to in this course?

STCW A-VI/5 and ISPS code section A/12.2.

The course is approved by the Norwegian maritime Authority. Approved certificate as Ship Security Officer will be issued upon course completion.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%. 

This course is a combined training consisting of: Elearning and onboard training (exercises and checklists).

To complete the course, it is required that you are employed by a company which has a plan for onboard training with these kind of activities.

The course will not be approved for any persons without a connection to a company as described above.

Course code: MTP-067
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is this course for?
Key employees (IT and HR staff, board members)

Is previous experience required?
You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role

How will this course benefit me?
This course is designed to raise the awareness how organisations, and all employees in contact with personal data are affected by GDPR Legislation (2018).

The course gives an overview of definitions, roles and responsibilities, the rights of individuals and the obligations of businesses with respect to the regulation.

We examine the territorial scope and outline the general requirements, technical solutions and administrative routines required for GDPR compliance, whilst also examining how to handle the issues sourrounding a data breach, should it occur.

The course content is developed in cooperation with Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS.

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have the awareness of how organisations, and all employees in contact with personal data are affected by GDPR Legislation (2018).

What standards are referred to in this course?
EU's General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (2018)

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MCP-036
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is the course for?

Any personnel with a desire to improve their ability to establish and maintain high performance standards onboard.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

Assertiveness involves speaking up, challenging others by asking thoughtful questions and taking initiatives when working with others. It constitutes of a confident and self-assured attitude and behavior. This course presents the perfect opportunity for you as a seafarer to be proactive and showcase that you are ready to meet the industry's modern-day demands.

How will the course benefit my company?

Employers are now incorporating seafarer’s soft skills into their crewing decisions. The soft, ‘non-technical skills’ are increasingly important on board due to the rapidly changing workforce and automation of technical tasks. Additionally, maritime accident investigations indicate that a lack of soft skills and human error is the most common reason behind accidents at sea.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MUK-133
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English
Price: GBP 135,-

Who is the course for?

Personnel who are involved in the preparation of dangerous goods for transportation by sea.

Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role.

How will the course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with industry best practice in relation to the transportation of dangerous goods by sea. The course should enable personnel to recognise the classes of dangerous goods and to pack, mark, label and document articles and items correctly.

How will the course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are familiar with industry best practice in relation to the transportation of dangerous goods by sea.

What standards are referenced in the course?

• International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

• International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed each section of the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the section and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-021
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes + Onboar ...
Language: English
Price: GBP 215,-

Who is this course for?

Any person conducting an in-service assessment of the competence of an on-oboard candidate.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course. 


How will this course benefit me?

The aim of this course is to enable you as an on-board assessor to supervise the training and monitor the competence of seafarers. A seafarer's competence must meet the standards of the STCW Code.

This course is approved by  the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) on behalf of IMO.

This course will be a part of a blended learning in two stages:

- The first stage is this e-learning course

- The second stage will be the on-board workbook

The training will be complete when all the elements of the checklist pertaining to your on-board assessor


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are qualified and certified as an Onboard Assessor. 


What standards are referred to in this course?

STCW Onboard Assessor (A-I/6)

This course is approved by the Norwegian maritime Authority (NMA)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

This course is a combined training consisting of: Elearning and onboard training (exercises and checklists).


Course code: MGM-025
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel who require an introduction to or awareness of MARPOL.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course. 


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to the MARPOL Convention and each of its six annexes.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are familiar with the MARPOL Convention and each of its six annexes.


What standards are referred to in this course?

IMO's Marine Pollution (MARPOL) convention.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MCP-025
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 1500,-

Who is the course for?

Any officer of the watch looking for an easy-to-follow supplement or refresher to the IMO generic course (IMO Model Course 1.27) and anyone requiring knowledge of the general features of ECDIS.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course. Basic nautical knowledge including an understanding of terrestrial and electronic navigation is recommended.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with the general features of an ECDIS, its strengths and limitations and hands-on knowledge about the most common features and functionalities all ECDIS have.

How will the course benefit my company?

By improving the officer’s general understanding of an ECDIS as a computer-based navigation system and its role as part of a navigational watch, thus improving the performance and safety of navigation.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-034
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 90 minutes + Onboar ...
Language: English
Price: NOK 2400,-

What is the duration of the course?

90 minutes + Onboard Exercises / Checklist

Who is this course for?

All ship crew with emergency duties.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course. 


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with a refresher of safe practices and the relevance of human factors of crowd and crisis management.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have  a refresher of safe practices and the relevance of human factors of crowd and crisis management.


What standards are referred to in this course?

STCW A-V/2, Chapter V, Tables 1 and 2



Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-076
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

All personnel who are involved in the process of the Tanker Management Self Assessment program.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will give learners an awareness of TMSA and the audit criteria for the enhancement of safety on board tanker ships.

How will the course benefit my company?

The course will ensure that learners are following best practices as detailed in national/international legislation as well as operator procedures.

What standards are referenced in the course?

International Safety Management (ISM) Code

Oil Operators International Marine Forum (OCIMF)

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers (COSWP)

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-134
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 500,-

Who is the course for?

Any personnel who requires an awareness of the environmental impacts associated with merchant shipping waste and how these wastes can be managed.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide learners with an understanding of the types of waste generated by shipping, how these wastes impact the environment and the methods that can be used to reduce and manage waste.

How will the course benefit my company?

Environmentally aware personnel can help to reduce the environmental impacts of your operations and improve environmental performance.

What standards are referenced in the course?

The European Union (EU) Waste Framework Directive

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 1973 - Annex IV

Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage and Garbage from Ships) Regulations

Deposits in the Sea (Exemption) Order

Landfill Directive

Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations

Special/Hazardous Waste Regulations

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-035
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 90 minutes + Onboar ...
Language: English
Price: NOK 9500,-

Who is the course for?

This course is for personnel who require an insight into Norwegian maritime rules and regulations.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to the Norwegian maritime rules and regulations and to provide details of how much of an influence Norway has over the global maritime industry.

How will the course benefit my company?

This course will benefit shipping operators and companies by ensuring that their staff have an awareness of the Norwegian Maritime Authority, Norwegian maritime rules and regulations and all other relevant legislation.

What standards are referenced in the course?

International Safety Management (ISM) Code

Freedom of Information Act

Norwegian International Ship Register Act

Ship Labour Act

Ship Safety and Security Act

Norwegian Maritime Act

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code

Norwegian Maritime Code

Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)

Equality and Anti-discrimination Act

Accommodation of Crews Convention

Principles of Safe Manning

International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarer (STCW)

Norwegian Regulations

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MCP-029
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English
Price: NOK 400,-

Who is the course for?

Any personnel with a desire to improve their ability to establish and maintain high performance standards onboard.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

Spatial Orientation is the ability to know where someone is in relation to their environment or to tell where a specific object is in relation to themselves. Including the ability to handle information relating to where one is coming from, where one is at a specific moment, where one is heading to. This requires having a good perception of the surroundings and comprehension of spatial arrangements.

How will the course benefit my company?

Employers are now incorporating seafarer’s soft skills into their crewing decisions. The soft, ‘non-technical skills’ are increasingly important on board due to the rapidly changing workforce and automation of technical tasks. Additionally, maritime accident investigations indicate that a lack of soft skills and human error is the most common reason behind accidents at sea.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

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