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FSE First Aid - Norwegian version

Course information

Target group:

Alle som arbeider i lav- og høyspenningsanlegg.


FSE first aid is a practical course, with a high number of skill training stations. FSE first aid module will Increase knowledge of life-saving first aid.

The course covers the followong subjects: The first assessment, burns and electrical burns, recovery position, the unconsciousness patient, CPR skill training.

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There are no available course dates for this course in the near future. Please contact Trainingportal, if you would like a quote on a in-house course or to receive information about when the course is set up again. Contact information, Trainingportal:
Telephone number: +47 24 15 55 55


Do you want more information about the course, or do you want to order?

Contact us at Tel: +47 24 15 55 55 , or send us an e-mail.

E-mail : support@trainingportal.no